Team POD wins second straight Week: 29-26
Nice to get a streak going again. It took a 12-8 Saturday/Sunday to get it done! Maybe it was MadJack’s emphatic NY Giant pick that spurred us on. Some say it was Terryray’s two outstanding pictures he posted. Whatever it was…let’s THREEPEAT!
Here are our Medal Winners: The GOLD MEDAL goes to a Capper with impeccable taste, TERRYRAY (5-2), Our Moneyline Maven, YANNO, wins the SILVER MEDAL (4-2), BRONZE MEDALS go to OLD MAN RIVER (4-3), DOUBLETWO (3-2) and COACH BURNS (2-0). Way to go, Boys!
Many thanks to MADJACK and THE CULPRIT who chipped in with 1-0 records.
The rest of the Team: Wild Bill and Lauderdale Legend at 3-4, Elmer Fudd (2-4), Trucker (1-4) and The Kid (0-1).
That’s a wrap! Let’s get #3!