polyester betters...should we look in the mirror


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Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
all this talk about watching people makeing dumb bets.........

shouldnt we take a good look at ourselves???

what i mean is,
there are so many of us betting on these stupid pre seaon games??

my god you might as well flip a coin for these god damn games

well your not going to catch me wearing the polyester pants anymore!!!


i can lay off till sept 5

good luck mates:D


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
There are some opportunities to make money in the pre-season. Although I am not big on choosing sides in XNFL, there are those times that you can find a play or two.


Registered User
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Oct 26, 2001
Dallas, Texas U.S.
I have to disagree, Preseason is probably the easiest time to win real money. You know who takes the game seriously, who doesn't. Plus there is alot of info floating around as to who will play and who won't. I tend to lean toward the overs on mediocre teams and play them as dogs. For example. I've played alot on the overs in washington and cleveland and have also played them straight up or in teasers. I also like the over in the san diego games. These are just minny trends though.


World Traveler
Forum Member
Feb 27, 2001
not to disrespect anyone, but betting on these preseason games or exihibition games is stupid. You don't know who is playing, how long they are playing, and nobody cares who wins the games. after all it is proven that preseason records are not indicative to the reg season. Minny 4-0 last year pre------no playoffs. It is hard enough to bet on these games when you know exactly who is playing and that every team wants to win. yeah some will win, but you have got to be kidding me if you knew Sage Rosenfels was going to come in for the skins and light it up the first few weeks


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Oct 26, 2001
Dallas, Texas U.S.
Actually, as I stated at the very beginning of preseason I have a little inside info on the redskins. I was told that they wanted to win every game no matter what. Sometimes the info is good, you just need to know when to pull the trigger. Plus if you really look at specific games and read some of the information that others post in this forum, you can make some informed decisions.

basically, its an individuals call to bet or not to bet. If you feel preseason is not good for you, don't bet during preseason. It may work for you. Many of posters here put in alot of time and effort to help others in this forum make money. To blatantly say betting preseason is stupid is disrespectful to those who put in the time.

I wish you well when the season begins, and hope everyone else makes some cash in the preseason to play with during the year.


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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
im not talking about the info...

info is capping pay dirt..

but what is impossible to cap in these damn pre season games are the mistakes, penalties, interceptions, fumbles, blocked kicks, missed fiel goals, and so on and so on..........

the fact is, once the 1st teams are out.
these games are toss ups:shrug:

just my opinion

good luck guys:D


Registered User
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Nov 12, 2001
"but what is impossible to cap in these damn pre season games are the mistakes, penalties, interceptions, fumbles, blocked kicks, missed fiel goals, and so on and so on.......... "



Please explain how mistakes, penalties, interceptions, fumbles, blocked kicks, and missed field goals ARE possible to cap in regular season games. I can understand how penalties are possible to cap because one can go off of stats as to how often teams are penalized, but do you ever rely on this for capping anyways? I sure don't!

It is impossible to predict when mistakes or flukes are going to happen during a game. . . the best we can do as cappers in my opinion is pick the side that SHOULD come out on top of a certain spread/situation and hope for the best :D

But mistakes are just part of the game and a reason why games are played!


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Nov 12, 2001
I should clarify that I definitely look at interceptions, fumbles, etc of every team when I cap games. . . BUT its nearly impossible to predict when these mistakes will happen and IF they will even be meaningful. So for me, I do not see how preseason, season, or post season is any different regarding these mistakes.

My arguement for playing preseason games has already been mentioned: there is often a difference of motivation. Some teams actually want to win certain games while their opponent is simply playing to work on a few of their issues. This is obviously not the same when the regular season comes along. This has been my first year playing preseason games and the reason I decided to step in is due to the fact that it is possible to determine the motivation edge and about how long the first stringers will play. Just my two cents. . . I have a nice bankroll heading into the regular season because I started early during the preseason :cool:


Registered User
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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
i didnt say you could accurately cap those type of things..

i know they happen in a real game. im simply saying they are MUCH more prominent in a pre season than in a regular game.. this is b/c the scrubs are on the field most of the time.

in a real game you dont have an unknown 3rd string kicker trying to make a field goal late in the 4th qt when the game is on the line? who the hell can tell if he can send it through the uprights or not.

or a rookie running back getting 15 carries and fumbling the ball 3 times. would he even be in a real game?
(there are probably hundreds of these types of examples)

i know mistakes are always made in real games. but saying that these mistakes are no diff in pre season than in a regular season?

i have to say i dont agree.

also as far as motivation for a team or coach i dont buy it. maybe spurrier but thats it.
these coaches motivation seems to be to get through the pre season w/ out injury..

heres an example of pre season motivation..
i dont rememer who was playing but heres what happend

4th qtr, team "A "scores against team "B" with a few minutes left in the game..

team A is now up by1.
do they go for 2 and make it a three point ball game. So if team B kicks a field goal they would still be in it?
they kick the extra point and take the 2point lead...
they would rather risk a field goal and a loss, than risk injury.
(either that or nobody gave a crap and just wanted to go home)

again these are just my opinions.
personally i dont believe smart money is in pre season,
but if you are doing well congrats!
and i wish you luck this week.
as for me ill wait till the 5th.

just my 2 cents
good luck nickelback!

ps your Dbacks are looking good ! i hope they win the whole damn thing again!


:D :D
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2001
Thanks for the reply Gibber

And you are certainly right about your scenerio when going for two in preseason vs. postseason.

I guess this is why most of my preseason bets have been 1st half bets because the first stringers usually play the entire or most of the first half. But what I like and have made money on is when a team states before the game that they are going to play their starters for a certain amount of time and the other team indicates they will play their starters significantly less. These are advantages that are not available for use during the regular season!

I suppose there are good points both ways and I am definitely looking forward to the real season coming up. It should be interesting to see how the lines are adjusted given what the Redskins have accomplished (if you can even call it this) during preseason because you know most will hop on their bandwagon in hopes that their winning streak continues into the regular season.

Regarding the DBacks, they lost tonight, but you're right.. . . I like their chances. Let's just hope there isn't a strike. Glad to see the Vegas odds are in favor of there not being a strike, but still concerned!

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