i didnt say you could accurately cap those type of things..
i know they happen in a real game. im simply saying they are MUCH more prominent in a pre season than in a regular game.. this is b/c the scrubs are on the field most of the time.
in a real game you dont have an unknown 3rd string kicker trying to make a field goal late in the 4th qt when the game is on the line? who the hell can tell if he can send it through the uprights or not.
or a rookie running back getting 15 carries and fumbling the ball 3 times. would he even be in a real game?
(there are probably hundreds of these types of examples)
i know mistakes are always made in real games. but saying that these mistakes are no diff in pre season than in a regular season?
i have to say i dont agree.
also as far as motivation for a team or coach i dont buy it. maybe spurrier but thats it.
these coaches motivation seems to be to get through the pre season w/ out injury..
heres an example of pre season motivation..
i dont rememer who was playing but heres what happend
4th qtr, team "A "scores against team "B" with a few minutes left in the game..
team A is now up by1.
do they go for 2 and make it a three point ball game. So if team B kicks a field goal they would still be in it?
they kick the extra point and take the 2point lead...
they would rather risk a field goal and a loss, than risk injury.
(either that or nobody gave a crap and just wanted to go home)
again these are just my opinions.
personally i dont believe smart money is in pre season,
but if you are doing well congrats!
and i wish you luck this week.
as for me ill wait till the 5th.
just my 2 cents
good luck nickelback!
ps your Dbacks are looking good ! i hope they win the whole damn thing again!