possible dss ecm-please read


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Forum Member
May 14, 2001
i guess the e-mail i got earlyer was in the ballpark,like i said it was from a good source..
just got this in a e-mail from ram,

First - to whomever said it was a Tivo update, that's ludicrous.. that wouldn't be seen as new packets sent to the card.

Second - the only thing seen so far are packets identical to those seen shortly before the 1/23/2001 ECM packet came down. These packets do change a lot of data on the card (read the "Changes on Card" thread in P3/Technical forum).

While there has been no ECM yet, the 1/23/2001 ECM packet and its precursor packets were removed from the stream yesterday shortly before noon Pacific. Then these new precursor packets showed up around 5:30 PM Pacific. As with any predictions in this hobby - there's no way to say when anything will actually happen. All we can do is report on patterns. Dave may wait days before doing anything - seems to be his style lately. Or, he could hit tonight or during Game 5 of the NBA Finals on Friday night for those that like the "big event" theory.

This may or may not happen but there has definately been a definative change in the HU portion of the datastream.

When this happened (similar packets) on January 23, the ECM followed MINUTES after these similar changes.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Suggest you remove ALL HU cards NOW.

More information as it becomes available. We may go to lock-down mode should an ECM actually come down.

This information is from the most reliable source I have but wishes to remain anonymous so please don't ask. Thanks.


[This message has been edited by ex67 (edited 06-14-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 30, 2000
Thanks for the info. How about my H card and bootloader? Will this ecm effect it?


Registered User
Forum Member
May 14, 2001
yes i belive it will,remember 64-67 were sent a couple weeks ago so the seed to kill the bootloaders has already been planted,if i was you i would save the card now,it's not to late to use it to emulate,many people who i have talked with agree that there might not be a workaround when there hit!!!!!

the h card will be around a little longer but the days of the bootloader are # and untill more is known about the latest data change i would hold off on a hu,i have advised everyone i know not to use e'm untill further notice,there has been a change to the first channel tier.



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Forum Member
May 14, 2001
HU Hash!
Starting at 3:00pm CST, HU Cards are being hashed by DirecTV. There is no HU ECM in the stream yet, but who knows what is to follow.

The symptoms of the hash include loss of video and audio, as well as a "Please Stand By" message on screen.

At this moment, experts are recommending that hackers pull their HU cards.

As I have been saying lately, you must please stay calm! @#%$ has indeed hit the fan, but we don't need to throw more up there by having hundreds of screaming people wanting to know what happened before experts have even had a chance to make sense of it all

Expert Analysis by RAM9999
June 15th, 2001

New Cmd82 in Video Authorization Packets on HU cards causing "PLEASE STAND BY"
messages on most channels. More info as it becomes available. This does not appear
destructive at this time.

Video Authorization Packet
> 48 40 20 00 2C NS40 (InsParam1=20,InsParam2=00,PacketLength=2C)
< 40 | INS40 acknowledgement
> 7E |CMD7E - Packet Signature Adjustment/Video Key Adjustment (H ignores, HU processes)
10 | CMD7E Command Length
B7 77 1A 37 6C 14 75 4E | Packet Signature Adjustment Bytes
C8 CB C5 DB ED 0A CC FD | H-stream Video Key Adjustment Bytes
09 30 10 00 |CMD09 - Select Public Key 0
01 |CMD01 - Date/time stamp
71 0F A2 90 | 6/15/2001 1:20:29 PM Pacific Time
02 61 |CMD02 - Program rating - NR
82 03 00 02 7A |CMD82 - H ignores, HU Processes
03 33 3F 00 |CMD03 - Tier Reference - Channel can be viewed if tier 333F is present
0C 59 6A 8F 4C 81 |CMD0C - Packet signature
< 90 20 |Packet response: (26h=00-Filters closed-IRDNumbersMatch set-Add1To2ndResultByte not set)




Registered User
Forum Member
May 14, 2001
6-15-01: STARTED AT 4:00PM EDT
The Current HASH HAS STOPPED FOR THE TIME BEING. Hu Cards were being hashed by D@#% using a new CMD82 Video Authorization Packet. There is no HU ECM in the stream as of yet, but who knows what will follow.

The symptons of the Hash include loss of Video and audio, as well as a "Please Stand By" message on most channels. Hashing a card does not HARM your card. Think of it as a message telling you it is time for a software upgrade on your card. Just reseting your IRD will clear it and your card will work again till hashing starts or an ECM follows. Some legit HU cards went down to and I understand D@#% got a lot of calls from angry customers. Seems this may be a problem for D@#%. But don't count on him stopping what ever hes up to. Keep cards pulled for if your script was hashed its not going to make an ECM for sure.

Note: If you reset your IRD and insert yopur HU it will come back up shortly. It seems D@#% Hashed as many good subs as he did testers tonight. Its appears this Hash did as much to "Real" cards as it did to the Scripted cards. If this is true D@#% may be in a spot with Protecting the HU's. But be advised he can have something up his sleeve and we are being setup. Keep cards out till more is known unless you want to risk it or have nothing else to use!!!!!!!!!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 16, 1999
Ex, thanks for the info.
Do you think this will affect H cards running on an emulator.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 14, 2001
yes they are very differnt,

EMULATION-this is the safest way to test,i can't find a way to hash it so i hope d@#% can't ethier..

BOOTLOADERS-enjoy it why you can,i'm amazed that a hu hash came first,i would save the card while you can and use it to emulate before it's to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i'm in it for the long haul and if you want to also,i can't stress this enough,sorry to say but this is the fun part for me(except the is it safe calls,if it was i would of said so).

if you check my forum there is a ecm/hashing section that is updated every couple of hours,if you look you'll find it,or any one that i have e-mail it comes with it...(please dont take this as a add,it's honest help)

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