Post your Review here!

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
I was so inclined to go back and sheck and see what kind of lucious reviews were laid down yesterday and so forth about or lovely gathering place here at madjacks! Well I was a little suprised at what I read in a couple of the reviews, yeah there is always that idiot that says stuff that really is not true and then there is the occasional jackass that posts under an assumed name ( Freeze ). Well here is my little review!

First off I have never been one to call anyone out and make em put up or shut up but damn it I'm changing today!

He Hate Me: I would just like to start off by saying, I don't know you, I have never responded to your posts and further more I really have only seen you around the Football threads! So where exactly do you get off pointing the finger at me and Felonious Monk for being PORN MONGERS I believe was the term you used? I for one have never posted anything here that was out of line in the way of porn! I do however post pictures of very lovely exotic and veluptiuous women in scantilly clad outfits, I'm a guy thats what I do! I don't believe my friend Felonious has ever posted anything out of line ( by the standards that Jack has set forth ) in the way of Porno! So I would really like to know how me and my upstanding compadre Felonious Monk could if at all be the reasoning behind your PORN MONGER comment! So if women in bathing suits and nighties are offensive to you son, I believe you have some closeted issues that need to be brought forth other than pointing the finger at me and my friend!

Seeker and Red October: My friends how can you take seriously anything that is so elementary around here? You know when you open the message forum it has a list of the different forums you can go to for info, there is a forum for football, baseball, horses, and even auto Racing! You know those are all pretty specific, I mean hell they are even named appropriately so you know where to go for your info! Well that first one you come to is called General Discussion, Now down here in Alybamy where I live that means whatever the hell you want to talk about or discuss or argue over is fair game, with the exeption of religon and death penalty! So if you are not looking to see what some of the people are into i.e. favorite TV shows, Favorite songs, nude girls ( joke ), info on Anna K., favorite sex position, and what not. I suggest you just ignore that area and get the pertinent info you came to get! Sound Fair? And as far as Jack's "Relationship" with his sponsors, hell dude Jack is a friendly guy, he wants to know who is writing him checks, how he can be lopsided on how the betting goes is about as moronic as the General Discussion crew:lol:! I mean how is he, a gambler himself, gonna be lopsided here? I think the only thing elementary or moronic around this site is some of you guys sense of humor! Like Felonious Monk said "If you don't like the options then beat it!"

And for the rest of you lovely Jackers out there, please continue to amaze, coherse laughter, and generally just be "Elementary" because Personally I love it! If you can't laugh at yourself someone else will!


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I actually can understand how some people wouldn't like the MOJO ( I always love MOJO) and it does sometimes make an appearance in sports-related threads.

To all the users that do find some of the images distasteful, I would stay out of threads labeled MOJO and that include the words "babes, naked pics" etc. ; Also, under your profile, you can set it up so that you won't have to view the imbedded images.

Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
This is usually the first thing I see when I come to this site:


Whoa! Look at that.....titties!! :rolleyes:

Grow a pair you sissies.

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Just a side note! I went and looked at all the posts from the past couple of days and you know what I found? 2 out of 50 threads contain either a picture of a woman or a link to a picture of a woman! WOW That is entirely too much porn!

Jack I would like for you to re-estabilish the guidelines for posting pictures of nude women! It is my understanding that they must not show any BEAVER or NIPPLES! ;)

As a matter of fact I am posting this particular female to set up some guidelines for the rest of you PORNO MONGERS, don't hide I can see you out there!


Notice how there are no beavers and or nipples present!

Here is another example:


Now this is just a sweet innocent young lady obviously just trying to get a bowl down from the cupboard so she can have herself a nice bowl of cereal before she runs off to work so she can be fully nurished and at the top of her mental peakness for the morning. Now what is pornographic about that?

One More:


Now here is a photograph of a young woman obviously down on her luck, she probably has three or four young children and a husband in the pen. So she is being completely resourceful, she is going game hunting so she can come home and feed her little ones. How dare you call this pornography!

How bout this:


This is obviously just a health concious young woman who is checking herself for breast cancer. Young women today just don't take care of themselves as they should. I stand and applaud this young woman, Bravo honey Bravo!


This poor young lady has obviously been trapped in this elevator so long that she was overcome by the heat in the shaft, so she removed her clothes for the sheer benefit of evaporative cooling! Man I'll bet it is hot in there!

And lastly:


This Lovely lady here is just hanging out around the house in what appears to be her lounging attire. Looks as if she has headed off to the kitchen for something cool to drink and I do believe that she has found it!

Now see fellas, It may look like pornography to the untrained eye but when viewed under the scrutiny in which I view most pictures, you'll find the goodness and wholesomeness that is there for you and I to find! Mere shots of women in everyday situations just taken out of context by a select few! I hope this sheads a little light on the subject of porn and remember, don't be two quick to judge a person for posting the obvious!
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Bluemound Freak said:

This poor young lady has obviously been trapped in this elevator so long that she was overcome by the heat in the shaft, so she removed her clothes for the sheer benefit of evaporative cooling! Man I'll bet it is hot in there!

LMFAO !!!!! :Yep:

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Now these pictures are on the verge of being considered pornographic, but only to the untrained observer!



This is the lovely young lady from the elevator shaft! Now see, this poor little thing could not cool herself the way most people can after such a strenuous ordeal. She had to resort to taking off even more clothing and soaking in a cool shower. Poor thing I hope she is OK!


Now this lady is preparing to go to work. Work you say, what kind of work could she do in that outfit? Well I'll tell ya what she does! She is a Rodeo Clown! Yep, these people are essential in the survival of our hard riding cowboys! How many of you guys would like to have her rescue you from a raging Beast? I would!


This young lady is preparing for her sexual behavior class at Auburn University, Proffesor Bluemound is teaching today! She is preparing to be a Urologist after she graduates. I know in the past I have had some prostate problems and It is not a very pleasent thing to deal with. Now especially if the Doctor has some big old bulbous fingers! Now in the case of prostate exams this young lady would make a fine exainer, nice slender non offensive digits, lovely smile, big ole.....well you get the idea!

Just another few examples of how these gorgeous women can be mistaken for someone who has a hidden pornographic agenda. I hope this little session on identifying these people will help[ each and everyone of you in the future to not be so judgemental!

Bluemound Freak

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
One more idiot in the masses! Deuce, how the hell do you figure they are out to get your money? Unless these guys are your bookies there is no way they can scam you out of money!

Couple of damn highrollers but Scamsters......I think not!

Hey Jack.........I want all my money back that you have scammed off of me over ther past year! Or I'm outta here buddy! ;)


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
O.K. I posted my thought s on the matter in the review and I think that everyone does and excellent job at this site.....May I add this...this site takes alot of work and I truly appreciate it Jack. I enjoy the people I have met, chatting with aquaintances and friends and posting picks and laughs......IF JACK MAKES ANY MONEY AT ALL OFF OF THIS SITE HE DESERVES IT!!!!!!!
That being said if anyone feels a need to go anywhere to review a site that they don't personally like and then proceed to slam the site, then you are an absolute ass. This is a free site, to treat as you please. If you don't like people simply posting picks without there write-ups then go away. If you are offended by something then let the poster of said material now that you take offense and then go away. I guarantee that Jack will not come to your work and tell the customers that you are lazy and allow people to get away with everything. Keep in mind that people, including Jack, have families to support. If you don't like the General Forum stay the fuhk out, you don't like Raymond, or Fletch, or Hoops or Dr. Freeze or Rico for that matter than guess what ignore him. This isn't a playground, you aren't at recess. This is an OPEN forum and has forums relegated to all types of sports. Take it for what it is worth. Allow people of all kinds to express themselves in any way they see fit. If it is out of line it will be handled, but childish complaining to the masses because someone was wrong about a baseball or hockey game is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself. I say to all the idiot naysayers that went and posted a lousy review, kiss my lilly white ass if you don't like it cuz I do and that is enough for me.

The best thing about this post is it won't get any feedback because all those that hate this site certainly won't read it because of course they won' t be here, right! I mean you hate it don't why are you here:thefinger
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