It is going to be detrimental if we post our picks because of coat-tailing others picks who post their picks.....very detrimental.......if your information comes from a local source, and you are coattailing that source, that is is why:
Lets say Nolan posts his pick......Nolan is a reputable capper -- so many people are going to coattail him. However, if they all post "his pick" too, and not really their own which they come to themselves after evaluating both sides to the best of their ability, his pick is going to receive way too much amount which nobody will truely know, making this tool, which could be so valuable worthless....the "public" could very well turn out to be Robert B Irish's Computer, or Fletcher, or Nolan, or Innavation.....
Please only post your independent picks on this so that the consensus means something.
Lets say Nolan posts his pick......Nolan is a reputable capper -- so many people are going to coattail him. However, if they all post "his pick" too, and not really their own which they come to themselves after evaluating both sides to the best of their ability, his pick is going to receive way too much amount which nobody will truely know, making this tool, which could be so valuable worthless....the "public" could very well turn out to be Robert B Irish's Computer, or Fletcher, or Nolan, or Innavation.....
Please only post your independent picks on this so that the consensus means something.