PPPP Standings through 3/23

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Private Petey

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2002
Not a great night for the PPPP gang. In an unusually high scoring night (316), only 4 players received scores in the single digits. hooters and tboyrent both got 3's. no all received a 6 and madjack managed a 9.

1. nostromo 301 (4m)
2. kono 326
3. big red 336 (5m)
4. sportsman 338 (1m)
5. njsf25g 342 (6m)
6. dude 350
7. madjack 373 (2m)
8. t-roe 379 (3m)
9. hoops 388 (5m)
10. nighthorse 389 (6m)
11. dragon 413 (8m)
12. hooters 433 (7m)
13. private petey 450 (1m)
14. tboyrent 460 (4m)
15. no all 527 (2m)
16. jvapur 593 (5m)
17. barfly 2100 (8m)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Petey, just assigning any random # for my score is not going to cut it. If you are not even going to calculate the scores correctly than you have cost this contest any integrity it might have had. I am filing a formal protest to this contest unless my scores are coreected. I have followed the rules and once again, just because YOU don't like my selections, You refuse to grade my scores correctly. Like I've said before, these are not just honest calculation errors, this is a complete disregard for running, at the very least, an honest contest. Shame, Shame, Shame:nono:

Petey, I expect my scores to be corrected seeing as how I have followed the rules correctly! Get on it Boy!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Also, I'm just curious to know if the sponsor of this contest knows that the person running this contest is not doing so honestly and has shown no regard for keeping accurate records.
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Private Petey

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2002
f*ck off

f*ck off

Hey Barfly, you can formally protest THIS: :thefinger

Your constant efforts TO DISRUPT THIS CONTEST are not going to work!!!!

Let me ask you this, do you also think that I should have included Dr. Freezes pick of 1 million back when we started? Or Antonios pick of 250,000? Or how about the picks here and there like "2" and "6". Should I include those also? How about if 59 people made picks like that, or like yours? Do you honestly think that I would be obligated to waste my time grading those scores? I don't, and I won't.

If you want to hang around the contest flirting with hooters and submitting ridiculous picks, then be my guest. And i'll take grading your scores just as seriously.

I sure hope that you take the 2nd edition of PPPP (coming this summer) more seriously. There are some pretty good prizes to be won here. Something tells me you could use the dough.

There have been no complaints from anybody who is actually playing regarding their scores, so i'm pretty sure that the sponsor knows that I run a clean contest.

Thanks for using the premier contest on the internet as a pick-up joint.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Re: f*ck off

Re: f*ck off

Private Petey said:

If you want to hang around the contest flirting with hooters .....

Hey man, WHAT the HELL are YOU thinking about!!!! Don't you know that Maggio might be reading this and that would mean MAJOR trouble for me:eek:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Private Petey was based in Korea and decided to get a massage.

He was laying on his back when the masseuse started massaging his lower stomach. She noticed a growing bulge under his towel and said: "You want jack off?"

Private Petey replied: "YEAH BOY, Like you wouldn't believe!"

"Okay," she said, "I come back ten minutes!" :brows: :brows:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Re: f*ck off

Re: f*ck off

Private Petey said:
Let me ask you this, do you also think that I should have included Dr. Freezes pick of 1 million back when we started? Or Antonios pick of 250,000? Or how about the picks here and there like "2" and "6". Should I include those also? How about if 59 people made picks like that, or like yours? Do you honestly think that I would be obligated to waste my time grading those scores?

Yes, I do. They followed the rules you laid out. The premier contest on the internet should follow the rules it laid out to a "T"
If you wanted to avoid stupid and time wasting plays, you could have instituted a cutoff point..........perhaps 2000, 3000, or something like that. But since you didn't, and you proved time and again your own unreasonable slavishness to dumb rules, your hypocracy is inexcusable.

A 55 gallon drum of metamucil wouldn't cure you, yet you won't follow your precious rules when Barfly wants to post scores. If you would just do what you're suppose to, Barfly would probably get tired of this and go away.......but Barfly knows you're not the type to leave a scab alone to heal. NOOOOO, you'll pick it and pick it till you bleed to death, if necessary.

You're just begging for this and you don't even know it. As someone in charge of a contest that is now actually offering money.........You have an even greater responsibility to lay out clear rules and be consistent in enforcing those rules. You're blowing it.....BIG TIME.

Private Petey

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2002



It's true that I didn't make contingency plans for immature nuts who have a third grade sense of humor. I expected that everyone around here would either play or not play, period!!!

I didn't expect people to get their jollies by messing around endlessly. This isn't summer camp, for Christ's sake! This is a gambling board.

Also, as you may remember, this was put together as a "just for fun" contest at first, and when the generous offer of prizes came about, I didn't have time to close every loophole.

But your point is well-taken. The second edition of the PPPP (coming this summer!!) will definitely have rules to discourage this type of nonsense.

Thanks for being part of the PPPP, the premier contest of it's kind on the net! I look forward to your participation in all future editions of the PPPP!

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Patrick McIrish

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2002
Hey where's my score?!?!? Thought you got 8 mulligans a month!?


Just kidding guys. Good luck. Next year I will schedule my road trips differently. :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209


Just when i think you're a complete butthole, you give a smart, decent, lucid reply. I'm hereby cutting you some slack on this contest. (That must be a real relief for ya). I'm still gonna laugh at Barfly's jabs.....and I still think you oughta lighten up quite a bit, but none of us is perfect. shalom...