One of my daughters 6th grade classmates, Jevon Jimmerson, committed suicide by hanging himself Wednesday after school
Alot of speculation going on as to why, but interim grades went home on Wednesday and he was faltering in school.
They did a 2nd EEG, within in 24 hours, this morning and he had no brain activity and his family took him off the ventilator.
The prinicpal notified the school kids this am.
My wife and I picked up our daughter and she said it was very sad and everyone was crying and grief counselors were there. Jevon was well-liked by everyone, she said.
We were talking and my daughter mentioned she couldn't believe he died of an 'asthma' attack. I asked her what she meant, and she said the school said he had an asthma attack and died this am at the hospital.
Now I feel I'm at a crossroads.
I want to talk to my daughter about what really happend to reinforce, "NOTHING" will be so bad as to take your own life and answer questions she may have.
but, I don't want her to lose trust in the school system and I have to explain why they are 'lying' to her and her classmates..
I know, I should say 'FVck" the school system , take care of your daughter.
just terrible, and I'm at a loss for words. You always ask questions AFTER the fact..
WHAT could possibly be so bad as to kill yourself and how does a 12 year old know about suicide and even contemplate it.
from what I understand he was a good kid, no emotional/family problems.
just horrible, horrible, horrible...
RIP Jevon. May you be at Peace.
Alot of speculation going on as to why, but interim grades went home on Wednesday and he was faltering in school.
They did a 2nd EEG, within in 24 hours, this morning and he had no brain activity and his family took him off the ventilator.
The prinicpal notified the school kids this am.
My wife and I picked up our daughter and she said it was very sad and everyone was crying and grief counselors were there. Jevon was well-liked by everyone, she said.
We were talking and my daughter mentioned she couldn't believe he died of an 'asthma' attack. I asked her what she meant, and she said the school said he had an asthma attack and died this am at the hospital.
Now I feel I'm at a crossroads.
I want to talk to my daughter about what really happend to reinforce, "NOTHING" will be so bad as to take your own life and answer questions she may have.
but, I don't want her to lose trust in the school system and I have to explain why they are 'lying' to her and her classmates..
I know, I should say 'FVck" the school system , take care of your daughter.
just terrible, and I'm at a loss for words. You always ask questions AFTER the fact..
WHAT could possibly be so bad as to kill yourself and how does a 12 year old know about suicide and even contemplate it.
from what I understand he was a good kid, no emotional/family problems.
just horrible, horrible, horrible...
RIP Jevon. May you be at Peace.