Predictions 2007 Recap and 2008 forcast


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Jul 16, 1999
some were good, the stock section did fairly well, when compared to the index. also one small penny stock picked a few years back, will pick another one or two for this year. here is a recap of last year. any comments are welcomed.

2007 predictions
Jan 3, 2007.

1. the cdn. government (conservatives) minority. will fall in 2007. will be replaced by a liberal minority, outside shot at a majority.

Wrong: (the government never fell, because the liberal leader did not have a good year, however their will be an election this year. will be either a liberal or conservative close to call.)

2. cdn. dollar does not go to par, like some experts were calling for, trades in a range .82-.90. will not break over .90 US

Wrong: (the dollar hit 1.10 probably that is overshot where it should be, however at around .94-.95 to par is probably the new range. federal govt. books are in surplus and the resource boom helps the currency...for the most part bullish on cnd. dollar, just did not think it would move so quick so fast.)

3. bearish on energy short term, bullish long term. will see if opec can support the prices. oil trades 55-65. and may even go to 48-55.
natural gas also weak trading around 5.50-7.

Wrong/Correct : Wrong on oii price, have been bullish but had some concern of a pullback. truth is the cost of production has risen so oil should remain higher,...than we are used to..../natural gas has stayed below $7 for much of year, which means misery for cdn. and most US natural gas producers.

April, May may be a good time to add to your energy portfolio.

4. base metal stocks flat to down. look these stocks are dirt cheap and the etf in Canada was up over 80%. still these stocks will be flat to down for 2007. people will leave these stocks, may provide a chance to get in 3-6 months.

Correct: most of the base metal (cdn. ) companies I follow are down, or close to their lows, hbm close 19.50 (29-18), TCK.b 53.35-33.03 close 35.43. Zinc will have another tough year, also nickel, and copper so 2008 will be treding water.

5. book to Avoid
Why We want you to be Rich by Kiyosaki, Trump.
only read four chapters, however will not read the rest. also basing the opinion on WSJ review, which panned the book. There is little, well no detailed info. also do not like this qoute

"In many ways that will be explained later in this book, both Donald and I can beat Warren?s rates of returns on investment. He may be richer, but we can get richer faster using our own methods and use less money."

now Kiyosaki take this shot at a great investor, that most anyone has heard of, it is great marketing, but is also BS.

Buffet has made incredible returns over time, currently would rate berkshire a hold. it is just hard to make 10% on a company that size. almost worth owning the stock to get the annual report. now that is worth about 10X this book. waste of paper....

6. Canada economy will grow 1-3% probably on the low end.

(Correct: just over 3%,...close enough.... )

7. US will grow around 1-2.5%, the economy will slow but still have positive growth.

(correct: once the numbers are revised downward, you will overall growth for the year just below 3%.)

8. US housing will not cause a blow up in the economy, though it is a concern in some regions, the story on a nationwide basis is overblown.

WRONG!!WRONG!!, okay now the US did not enter into a recession on the housing but may not be the case in 08, and caused plenty of pain, actually the paper and just trying to find, who owns what mortgages, has been a mess.
time to hire more acountant to sift through the mess. the problem reaches its peak in February/early March. then the reset rate will no longer be a problem.... if the Fed drop 50-75 basis points in the first quarter problem will pass......)well...

9. last year talked about buying a gold fund. would take those gains, 50-80% in many cases off the table. would keep the orginal invesments.

(Correct: was a good suggestion to money off the table, as for your orginal investment these gold funds gained 2.4-8% so not bad, did not beat Toronto 7%, 9.2 counting divs. still there is a chance gold breaks out, so would keep a small portion in invesments like these.

last year you make 50-80% and this year more like 5%. that is how volatile these returns can be.... do not be overwieght.)

some cdn. funds in Canada Dynamic, BMo, Royal, TD, CIBC, these have low min 1000-500. all no load except dynmic (buy through discount or good broker). gold share etf though underperformed these has low mer .55. not diverisfied though.

10. final facts/thoughts
- avg. family of four produces 20lbs more garbage than 30 years ago. maybe garbage business.
- most people who pay for Christmas gifts on Credit card end up paying 45% more in interest before the bill is paid off.
- bacteria ranks the top 3 behind cancer heart diesease. maybe more but at least top 3. in North America.
- Wrap accounts should be avoided for the most part.

11. investors every year run into similar people:
1. client complains about her poor returns, her brokerage account (full service) went up 17%. she wants a higher return with out any risk.

2. met 3 people this year, invest in penny stock, stocks are down 30-80%. they have not sold and are happy, because they can now buy even more.
this end up 90% of the time a money pit.

(every year I hear, or know of 2-3 sometimes more, who put everything in a stock that just keeps losing money....breaks a rule...never break the rules.)

(sad during every bull market people try to borrow)

3. met two people that were going to borrow 100K, to 300,000. and invest this money in the market. these people are describe themselves as long term investors.

they are not. if the market drops 20% with 8% loan, they will worry about losing their home.
if you want to borrow to invest start with small amounts. like 10,000 or less. so many people during a bull market put their house on the line.

STOCKS did not perform badly these were mostly index plays.

will list more later, these are more long term in nature.

EEB (interesting index way of playing emerging markets.)

(high 58.0469 low 14.1169 close 53.39)
bought 31.57
EEB return 69.88%( counts .24312 div)

CBQ (same as EEB in US)
bought 25.89
return 64.83% (counting div)

CRQ (div, index fund.)
bought $11
return 8.6% (counting div)

added in the same post later

bought 5.06
return 8.89% should state this did hit $7 this is a levergage etf on health care, when it runs up take profits. took most off the table at $6.50. using closing price of $5.45. be carefull when trading, large spreads sometimes between bid/ask.

BSC (leverage play on BNS)
bought 15.60
return counting div. -4.38%
small loss hit a high of 16.99 low 13.06, closed at 14.57. BNS held up well considering the blood bath most financials had.....would be a long term holding.

Small cap
QC bought 3.30
closed $2.70 high 3.51 low 1.88
return -15.15% (counting div)

4 winnner and two loser, and the worse loss was my small cap -15.15%, by the way one small cap I mentioned in the predictions thread went from 2-21. :) so some times these take time...Quest will be a tax loss, may re-enter the stock later....upside and downside are limited in this finance company.

overall return(all 6) +22.11%

by the way would have been better to own BNS, as the dividend is higher than this split share....own both.

Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Always look forward to your report Kirk and predictions. Have had the good fortune to follow you since 1995 and have seen you hit these #'s more often than not.

Quite an accomplishment considering a 20% return will double your portfolio value in less than 4 years.:yup

To 08---:toast:


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Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
have a good year Dawgball and DTB and everyone else in the stock forum, if anyone has anything to add or question, please feel free.

will list the stocks in the next week, seem no rush, BCE, VWO, more will follow.


Notes for predictions: 2008

As I write this the market is in a bearish mood?. Anyways during better times and negative years, it is good to examine the worse bear markets in history. Posted this one time as I disagreed with someone on what the worse bear market was,?they believed 1987. So if anyone asks you how bad can it get well here is the worse bear markets in history?
1906 1907 -49%
1909 1911 -27%
1912 1914 -24%
1916 1917 -40%
1919 1921 -47%
1929 1932 -89%
1937 1938 -49%
1938 1939 -23%
1939 1942 -40%
1946 1949 -24%
1956 1957 -19%
1960 1960 -17%
1961 1962 -27%
1966 1966 -25%
1968 1970 -36%
1973 1974 -45%
1976 1978 -27%
1981 1982 -24%
1987 1987 -36%
1990 1990 -21%
1998 1998 -16%

1. There will be an election in Canada, should be a minority liberal or conservative government, unless one campaign just implodes.

2. The US fed will lower rates 75 basis points in the first three months, and 100 basis points over the coarse of the year?.maybe more, to fight the slowing economy.

3.Canada will also lower rates though not as much as the US, so the fed lowers 75 basis points then Canada will go 50.

4.Gold: two years ago the portfolio would have returned 50-80%, took that off the table, last year returns of 2-8% overall. Keep those gains and stay with the gold funds. Dynamic, CIBC, BMO, Royal, TD. And the avg. gold fund, and etf (gold companies, not GLD). Just suggest these because in general they have are widely offered, and are available, do research to pick a good gold fund.

Would have also Suggested some sr. gold companies, however ABX which I own a small amount and (have 36-38-40-42puts sold) has gone almost 15% in a week. If ABX trades lower below 45 would look at it again, for now just holding the position? had no idea it would make this sharp of a move. Would have bought short term calls, and had 5X the position that I do?..

5. Maybe half way through 2008 or probably 2009 these sr. gold companies may be tooo? expensive? it is very difficult to add production, or just maintain. Hear many times a CEO of a major gold company state their productions costs, usually below $400. that is basic bs? that is operating costs, which are also going higher, before that you have to find the mine, drill it for 3-5 years, do pre-feasiblitly, final feasibility, and environmental study, and get government permits, and permits, and permits?..well it is hard to replace reserves and harder to operate mines in a cost effective way??

6. BCE deal will close. The stock trades at $38.20 cdn. the Ontario teachers have stated they will take over the company for $42.75 cdn. this deal will close. I own some (the shares I owned in the drip/spp have already been bought out for cash. The rest will also the teachers may be overpaying for BCE, (without the deal shares would trade in a range 28-35) probably lower in the range, in this market. Anyways bought some since if the deal is closed in the second quarter, give or take a few months you will make 12.39% counting dividend. WARNING. If the deal falls through then you will lose about 15-20% in a day. Still this is the Ontario Teachers pension fund and the deal should close.

7. Alberta Royalties were raised this year, making Alberta a more expensive place for energy companies to do business. Stelmach the new premier after the conservatives gave King Ralph weak support at a leadership review vote, and Ralph resigned. Stelmach appointed a review, most people not from the energy industry and without very little knowledge.

Alberta needs more money for schools, infrastructure, ect. The poputlaiton is growing quickly, this will hurt a province that has no debt and much of its wealth has come from oil/gas. Still the industry will have to pay more and should probably expect to shoulder some of these costs; however re-opening the deals with Syncrude and Suncor (long term oil sand deals ) is a terrible sign for business in Alberta, and any government to go back on their word.

Still the oilsands plays will be very profitable and where else would you want to go for oilsand play, Venz, Russia, Nigeria?.Alberta is still a good place for oil/gas companies?. Some provinces may now be better, however most places have increased royalty rates? Gartman and other investment ?experts? raised alarm bells over this however where were they when American government raised rates twice/year, in the Gulf of Mexico. Most oil is controlled by national governments 85% approx, and the remaining portion governments are increasing taxes, and royalty rates?. This sends costs higher.

8. If the fed cuts the rates as expected their will be a little word that is often downplayed, and never used (as much)?.INFLATION. most of the time when the media and experts comment on Inflation they leave out gas, and food?. That is done often?the reason is these are volatile and so are excluded from the core number. Well energy could be ignored at 20-30 however now at $100 these this can help cause inflation.

A perfect example in Agriculture, in the US/cdn. one of the main outputs is fuel, (the tractors do not run on air, coloured diesel fuel in areas has tripled in price in the last five years. This cost has to be at some point passed on to consumers.

Also there is increased demand, there are 600 million people in Asia that are eating diets that have more protein.

In North America in the 1950s 20% budget of the US family was spent on food, at one time this decreased to 5-8% (10 years ago) now this number is closer to 10%, at should increase over time, to between 15-20%.

Also the family farm is disappearing in favour of much larger (industry owned operations).

The average American farmer is close to 60, the percentage of farmers under 35 has decreased from 15.9% in 1982 to 5.8% today

Also the lack of water and the amount consumed to produce many agriculture crops,?.though the novel ends at some point?.anyways people have paid toooo little for their food and have taken it for granted? this changes in the coming years?. Not a doomsday scenario, however the days of declining food costs are over.

Note: below for interests are the top performing markets and worse in the world, you can almost any market now with an etf. I own VWO (as a play on emerging markets, at time of this was at $102.25.

The main surpise is the Ukarine, though they have been a poor market for years, not good government, many show what can be accomplished. By good policies, and hard work. Very surpised VWO is still over $100, it is amazing how well it is holding up, given the US sell off sometimes in the past these markets would get destroyed. Many of these emerging markets, and countries will have growth that double the US, and Europe in the next 5 years.
TOP 10
China CSI 300 index 179.75%
Ukranian PFTS index 135.41%
Slovenia total market 96.90%
Nigeria stock exchange 87.17%
Bangladesh DHAKA stock 86.19%
Croatia Zagreb crobex 80.84%
Brazil Bovespa stock index 72.44%
Istanbul ISE national 100 index 71.91%
African Mauritius stock exchange 70.00%
Bombay BSE sensex 30 index 65.23%
Trinidad Tobago composite index 0.17%
Argentina merval index 0.02%
- 0.18% Stockholm OMX 30 index
- 4.15% Estonia OMX Tallinn index
- 5.29% Tokyo Nikkei 225 index
- 6.44% Tokyo topix index
- 6.70% Ecuador Guayaquil stock
- 7.69% Sri Lanka colombo all shares index
- 18.52% Irish overall index
- 27.43% Venezuela stock market inde


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Jul 16, 1999


Stocks 2008

1. BCE 35.35 yield 4.13%
basically the Ontario teachers pension fund is going to take this over at 42.75, plus you get one div. payment. there are some bond holders who are going to court, but the basic concern is can they get funding. have a small position. note : if this falls through BCE is worth 28-30, that is your risk.

2. VWO 93.44
this was holding up over 102, oh well. still if the markets do not fall off cliff these markets should do well. a good low cost way to play emerging makrets, would consider it a long term holding.

3. ALB $10 .27 div
basically this is a leverage play on cdn. bank, yikes. 2.35 times up or down. decent yield. my favourite banks are BNS, TD, then Royal CIBC, and BMO. CIBC has more upside of the group...mainly because it went down from 107 to 68. however I do not know if the writeoff is 3 or 8 billion....lower is better.

will slowly over the coming weeks, build up positions in BNS, and TD. and to a smaller extent Royal Bank.
these CDn. banks BNS and TD apperar to be in good financial shape.

4. SLS 10.25 leverage 2.13
SLF 48.73 div 1.36
will track both and own both, SLF is sunlife should give you 10%, maybe a little more, have talked about this quite a bit....maybe boring but has done well over the years..... did better than MFC....either one is good.

SLS is 2.15 leverage so if SLF goes down 10% then 20% for SLS, also hopefully 10% up then 20% up...

own only a little bit of SLS close to this price very low volume and better volume is allbanc.

5. oil (Toronto) oil stands for oilexco. will track this two ways here.

1. 11.53
2. buy 1000 shares at 11.53 then sell april 13 calls 10 contracts for 800 (.80 1.10)

the first is just the stock, the second is buy the stock then write covered calls.
basically have to sell it at 13 until the third friday in April. for this I get $800 -commish

so cost is reduce to 10.73. also if it expires will sell another call later in the year.

6. Agrium AGU57.82
also buy 1000 AGU 57.82 then sell July 58 for 9.30 (9.30-9.75)

basically if you lose the stock in July you make 16.39% not bad for just over 6 months. not counting div.

if earnings come through you may regret selling the calls, these ag. stocks trade at historic multiples and seem high....however they are expected to almost double their earnings....
most of my AGU has covered calls, just a volatile stock, I mean can move from high to low 5-10% in a day.

all stocks are on Toronto and Montreal.... AGU options trade on US, and so does the stock.

VWO is the only one in US funds. and trades there.

by the way in a portfolio alb sls, would make up a small holding bigger positons would be in BNS, TD, MFC,SLF, ect. for long term holders.

if oil can hold close to 90 then some of these energy stocks are CHEAP, CHEAP, and CHEAP...hopefully with some more drilling success, oil will be one.



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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Kirk Going to buy energy stock next week--Been looking at TCK which I know your very familiar with and YRP an Argentina firm--do you have any leans or like diff one better--I like TCK cash to debt better but like TRP 10% div--however going from trailing 4% to 10% has got me spooked--something weird there?


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Jul 16, 1999
DTB can help you with TRP and TCK which are different animals....there are a couple of items that should be corrected.

and you probably know as much on YRP, though like Argentina when it comes to the mining sector, know very little on YRP.

1. TRP does not yield 10%, and it has not for some time. TransCanada Pipelines (just the common shares ) you might be talking about a partnership.
cdn. TRP price 37.85 17.60 pe yield 3.59%,
US 37.56 yield 3.62%

Trp in general yield just under 4%. here is their div history since 2000, all div are in Cdn. dollars and would then be converted to US

2000 .80 2001 .90 2002 1 2003 1.08 2004 1.16 2005 1.22 2006 1.28 2007 1.36 2008 ? 1.36 so far

TRP is a good pipeline company and it also produces energy, though most are long term contracts. so this is not a power producer that is selling on the spot market.

they are developing a few very interesting pipelines, even one with the oil sands... and maybe on in Alaska though that is at least 3-5 years out,....and maybe more so not in the price and not worth buying because of that.

When Toronto crashed down 600 points, we were going to buy TRP at 35.90-35.80 cdn. went to 36.23 and then the fed cut 75 basis points....if they could have only waited an

they cut their div. in the late 90s and it made big news, people buy trp for the div and the div.

if you want a decent run pipeline (and to lesser extent power producer) that yields 4% roughly then not a bad play. it will never give you a big return, would be happy with 10% return on average from this stock and want them to increase their div, as they have done since 2000.

it is a strong company, and if trades down to low 36 will probably buy some, do not own any now, however may on a correction. have in the past and sold puts on the stock in the past. had jan 36 that expired worthless.



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Jul 16, 1999
so TRP is a well run pipeline, more of a defensive stock. would be happy with an overal return of 10% over time.

2. TCK (Teck Cominco )
first TCK is more of a base metal company than an energy comany.

Maybe a better way to look at the company is resources (mutual) fund, however is mainly a base metal company. zinc, copper, nickel, moly, also has gold production.

there is sometimes talk of tck selling off, or spinning out their gold business, to get the higher multiple that gold companies recieve over base metals. however the family that controls tck (through mutly voting shares) does not want to break tck up at this time.

TCK is involved in an oil sands play with UTS ( a small jr. ) PCA petro canada. a production decission will probably come in late 2008 or early 2009. at 70 it is a go.

the stock is cheap, however will trade in the same direction as the markets for the first quarter. also zinc is in oversupply in 2008 and that will change sometime in 2009. also copper will not have a great year.

much of this bad news is already in the stock, I have 10% of the position as I normally hold. also the stock has covered calls on the position.

would rate it a hold, or a buy in very slowly....if the fed drops rates as quickly some. good company and not a bad price with exposure to most metals and an oil sands play in the future, however if there is an economic downturn the last thing you want to own is an base metal company.....well maybe a big US



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Jul 16, 1999
DTB TRP is a boring pipeline stock, however in times like this 5-10% return cannot be that bad, if it hits $36 will probably buy some, maybe below $37. downside appear limited, so does upside, however not bad in an uncertain market...

trend to like stocks that raise divs every year or two.

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