Overall 43-39 +6.65 units
Favs 29-10 +12.85 units
Dogs 6-20 -6.49 units
Draws 0-7 -4.45 units
Totals 8-2 +4.74 units
2 wins by Bolton and they've moved from relegation to 13th place on the table - such is the traffic jam at the bottom that Sunderland is falling fast into. I expect a tight game that will get even tighter if a side goes up a goal.
24 Bolton (ENG-P)/Sunderland (ENG-P) Under 2? -138* to win 1 unit
Favs 29-10 +12.85 units
Dogs 6-20 -6.49 units
Draws 0-7 -4.45 units
Totals 8-2 +4.74 units
2 wins by Bolton and they've moved from relegation to 13th place on the table - such is the traffic jam at the bottom that Sunderland is falling fast into. I expect a tight game that will get even tighter if a side goes up a goal.
24 Bolton (ENG-P)/Sunderland (ENG-P) Under 2? -138* to win 1 unit