PrimeTime Sports Investing System - Grow Your BankRoll


Forum Member
Jun 7, 2014
Before any of you start bashing or calling "tout", I will make this very clear. THIS IS NOT A PAID SERVICE OR A TOUT SERVICE OR ANY OF THAT. THIS IS ALL FREE. I'm just like anyone of you guys, posting plays and helping others.

With that said, there are 3 "fore sure" ways to grow your bankroll. 1. Having winning plays 2. Proper bankroll management and 3. Discipline. My system is very simple, and its probably already been done before or out there already. It is only a winning system if you follow everything exactly the way I do it, you have to be VERY disciplined. Remember, gamblers always end up losing, Investors (usually) keep getting richer, lets treat this like an investment and start growing that bankroll. The ROI might not seem like a lot for the first month, but just wait and give it some time. I'll give you an example:

Starting BankRoll = $300 (typical average bettor)

Series 1 - Week 1 (7 days - 7 plays, maybe a few more)
Bet 1 = $20 (if this play loses, go to bet 2)
Bet 2 = $40 (if this play loses, go to bet 3)
Bet 3 = $80 (if this play loses, go to bet 4)
Bet 4 = $160 (We should never get this far with my plays, and if we do, This will not lose)

At any point in this series the certain bet wins. We stop and go back to Bet 1 and repeat. After the first week, we increase our Bet size accordingly. The first month may not seem like that big of a ROI, but just wait and give it some time, In the 2nd month we will be making $500+ a week.

This system will be applied to all sports. For now we will be betting on MLB. Series 1 Bet 1 will be posted shortly.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
So many things wrong with this. Let me just comment on the main two;

The Martingale system is so fundamentally flawed that I haven't even seen anyone pushing it for a long time. It is fatal for any bankroll under any circumstances, eventually.

Also, if your "Bet 4" is so certain to win, why not just make this level of bet and ignore all the others that are less likely to win?

IE and Jack must be busy, or this inane post would never be up for so long.

Fun reading though while my kids are at a birthday party.


Forum Member
Jun 7, 2014
So many things wrong with this. Let me just comment on the main two;

The Martingale system is so fundamentally flawed that I haven't even seen anyone pushing it for a long time. It is fatal for any bankroll under any circumstances, eventually.

Also, if your "Bet 4" is so certain to win, why not just make this level of bet and ignore all the others that are less likely to win?

IE and Jack must be busy, or this inane post would never be up for so long.

Fun reading though while my kids are at a birthday party.

1st, No one has a gun to anyone's head and says FOLLOW THIS!

2nd, Give me a chance.

3rd, Why would they take this down? I'm simply recording my work.

You do not have to view or comment in every thread here. And you certainly don't have to give us an explanation as to why and what you are doing for the reason of you reading this thread.

Good Luck to you and take care.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 28, 2008
Been there done that, but good luck anyway and welcome. I've learned sticking with discipline straight bets not raising or lowering your unit amount at any time is the way to go. systems like yours.....undisciplined money management and wagering without any sense of statistical back up is what keeps sportsbooks alive. You reach stage 3 or 4 of a chase system and lose everything gets wiped out. Nothing is a for sure thing and nothing is gauranteed when gambling. For me, I use strategies that benefit over the long haul that hit high %. You may not win every week, but it wins many more than it loses. Poppin my bookie little by little throughout the year is my all adds up in the end. Rome wasn't built in one day and neither can your bankroll with gambling. They will get you in the end somehow someway and I just don't like the risk factor of losing everything when a chase system reaches that 3 or 4 stage. I wish you luck and hope it works.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
so you'll never lose 4 in a row?

steve stevens is that you? have a horrible betting strategy
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