lately these NFL Marquis games have not only been incredibly boring, but betting lines have been fairly sharp, as is usually the case with prime time match ups.
I wonder if propositions sometimes are more inviting in these marquee games. Here are some that looked decent to me.
Stewart under 17 completions
3 field goals-over
2 interceptions (both teams)- over
Bettis rushing-over 88
feel Free to post other inviting propositions
lately these NFL Marquis games have not only been incredibly boring, but betting lines have been fairly sharp, as is usually the case with prime time match ups.
I wonder if propositions sometimes are more inviting in these marquee games. Here are some that looked decent to me.
Stewart under 17 completions
3 field goals-over
2 interceptions (both teams)- over
Bettis rushing-over 88
feel Free to post other inviting propositions