Put your Money where your Vote is!


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Forum Member
Mar 15, 1999
This is your last chance to ?Bet on the Prez,? with just one more day before the November 2nd presidential election.

Who do you think is going to win? Do you know if Kerry is going to take Vermont, or Bush Oklahoma? If you do, why not put your money where your vote is. www.betcom.com gives you a chance to put your money on your favorite presidential candidate, offering a ton of different wagering options.

We are ready to take your wagers right up until the polls open!

Get in on the Action: www.betcom.com

For example,www.betcom.com is the only offshore sports betting site to have odds posted for each of the 50 states, where you can choose whether Bush or Kerry will win the electoral votes for each and every state.

Some Betcom?s wagering options!
* Pick the Prez!
* Winner By State
* Over/Under Total number of Bush States
*and many, many more?

This race is still extremely tight, highly competitive, and could turn on a dime. And it could be your dime. So put your money where your vote is ? bet now at www.betcom.com!
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