Q: "Is there a game on the tube tonight?"


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
A: You "bet" there is!

Do you remember when Friday was devoted to high school sports, Saturday afternoon got the college plays, and Sunday afternoon the pros?

Now, you have football 4 days a week, and it's toying with the 5th! Yes, it used to be taboo to play on Friday, because that was when the high schoolers played. Of course, they played on Saturday's also, but a lot of games were played on Friday. Now you see some college games on Friday, because Thursday wasn't enough!

Who's idea was this Thursday shit, anyway? Some ESPN executive, who told the schools how much revenue they could get, I am sure.

But, it was one game, so the country would be watching.....and wagering! Of course, well enough never is, and now we have 2 or 3 on Thursday. Mind you, one follows the other, and they are televised! Would you risk a nickel if they weren't?

Sunday night pro games, Thursday pro games, have 'em on Saturday when the playoffs roll around. Run them 1p and the next batch at 4p....Wait, the gamblers can't cash their tickets from the early games, and bet on the late ones! Let's move the late games back 15 minutes. This is something the commisioner's office said they would never do, yet it happened! Don't tell me it was for any other reason, either! "We don't want to lose our audience." Yeah, a lot of guys go shopping with the old lady if the early game runs into the late one! Gimmie a break.

Bowl games.....used to be on January 1st.....used to be the Rose, Cotton, Sugar, and Orange Bowls. Now?????

They start on Christmas Eve, and run til January 5th! What do we have....two dozen or so now? And you gamble on every last fuhgin one! They are all on the tube, all paying tons for the schools who sell out to them, and all being bet by guys with no idea!

Let's face it.....if Samford was playing at Slippery Rock, you wouldn't give two shits. But if that bad boy was on ESPN tonight, 30 of you would have an oppinion, and post it here! This is an outright joke, and a slap to handicapping skills!

The television blinds too many of you, and blurs your skills as a capper. Don't deny it, or I'll start up a 12 step program for your ass!

Pretty soon, we will have football every night of the week......you can bet on it! (and you probably will!)

"You didn't lose your girlfriend.....you just lost your turn!"


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2001
What's the line?

Mike Foreman

Registered User
Forum Member

Nice post!
Every night of the week is coming sooner than you think. No complaints here.... now we've all got another excuse for a "boys night out".

I took a quick look at a college TV schedule... check this out! I didn't even bother to include the Thurs. night games.

Fri. Sept 7 -- N'Western/UNLV ESPN
Fri. Sept 14 -- Colorado St/UNLV ESPN
Tues. Oct. 30 -- E.Carolina/TCU ESPN
Tues. Nov. 6 -- W. Mich/Toledo ESPN
Fri. Nov. 23 -- Lots of games (Thanksgiving)

I heard through the grapevine that by next season there will be a nationally televised college game EVERY Tues., Wed., Thurs, & Fri.

Now for the shameless plug...

Not only are people betting/taking positions on the sides & totals, they're doing it on the props too!!

We're putting up a nice list of props right now for UNLV & N'Western tonight (as we do for all prime time games).

Post it & they will come (& bet)....

or should it be "Televise it & they will come..."



P.S. We're just waiting for prime time Sumo Wrestling. As soon as it starts, we'll have a line out on it.... & people will have an opinion & bet on it!!
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