question about Seattle Slew Spew


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Jan 15, 2002
In all seriousness, do they save the sperm of a horse like Seattle Slew for future artificial insemination?

Any details? How much do they have? How much do they sell it for? Do they only get paid if the artificial insemination "takes"? Can he still be siring children in 50 years? How many children can they expect to sire with the reserves?




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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Don't know for sure, but don't think that artificial insemination is used too often, if at all, in the thoroughbred industry. Also, for breeding purposes, studs like the Slew may continue to bred at the advanced age of 28, but i doubt that they are as productive as say 5 year old, 10 year old, etc. I'm no expert on breeding, but a 28 year old horse is somewhere in the vicinity of a 90 year old man. And I am also no geneticist, so sperm may just be sperm. But I am guessing that he was far beyond his "prime."


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Nov 15, 2001
I believe at this point in time, all stallion covers (impregnations ) must be documented and witnessed and registered with the horse breeding assn. in Kentucky. This is to prevent someone from stealing sperm from a great stallion and artificially sminating a mare of obscue breeding. This is why all thoroughbread horse have a lip brand (or tattoo) to identify them. Also prevents sneaking a good horse into a cheaper race under a different name to steal a purse. Once in Canada ( won`t mention track) an allowance type horse which looked almost identical to a claimer was entered in a 1500$ claiming race, not only for the purse but to cash a huge wager. Don`t know if the I.D. guy was in on the deal, but the horse ran, and the hilarious part was not only did he get beat, he was claimed and then discoverd to be the wrong horse. Trainer got a long suspension .

Skanoochies.:nono: :nono: :nono:


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Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002
Thanks to all.

Ferdville -- I read that Slew had impregnated like 43 of 46 horse he mounted in the last year, so he was still going strong anyway.

Skanoochies -- Thanks for all the info. I was thinking an interesting screenplay might involve stealing some Slew sperm, breeding awesome horses in secret and making huge money down the road with horses of "inferior" bloodlines.

I still figure you could impregnate a horse with Slew's sperm, then fake a mounting by another horse for the governing body and thus tricking the racing community. :shrug: But what I know about impregnating horses could fit in a gelding's testicles.

Thanks again,
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