You shouldn't let people run you off so easily. Just because somebody has a differing opinion doesn't mean you should take your ball and go home. I think that I simply presented 'the other side of the story'. So, you have 10 or 15 people on your jock and one person who (publically)disagees with you. That's not exactly taking a lot of heat.
My first query about this system was simply, "what information does Pinnacle consistently have that we all don't have access to?"
You responded, "they have big players" and went on to complain about having to answer questions.
I went down point by point with Profitcity about the rest of the system after you bowed out, so i'm not going to re-hash it.
If you re-read that thread, 'wwf boy' was in my response to Nick Douglas after he ripped me a new one. Admittedly, it was a juvenille comment, but it wasn't directed at you.
Do whatever you want, but don't blame me because you don't feel like posting your stuff anymore. That's a weak cop-out.