Question for Nolan


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Forum Member
Feb 6, 2001
Just read your outrage of the day. I dont know the whole story so I can only comment on what information you have provided. Is it possible that the reason race officials dont want alcohol served is due to the fact that IF there were to be an "incident", it would be easier to evacuate tens of thousands of sober people as opposed to tens of thousands of drunken fools??? You ever try to easily remove ONE drunken fool from some place??

Personally, off on a slight tangent, it wouldnt bother me in the least if they banned alcohol from EVERY sporting event in America. It only takes one apple to ruin a bunch and there is nothing worse than attending a sporting event with your young son only to sit there and listen to some fool spout out the f-word for 3 solid hours and make a complete ass of himself. Would you allow that in your home?? PRobably not, and I dont think anyone would criticize you for asking your guests to refrain from drinking in your home or smoking for that matter if it offends you or your other guests. I really dont see the outrage, and I am not part of the Christian right either.

If you cant go 5 hours without drinking, then you have bigger fish to fry than worrying about rules and regulations.

Now the watered down sodas are another issue lol.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Just wondering how you could sit at any sportiing event and listen to some drunk yell the f word for three hours. Here is what you do next time. Get up and go and get a usher , then find the manager of public relations in the stadium.

Explain the problem. They will either give you upgraded seats where you wont be bothered or go down and remove him from the stadium. You really dont have to put up with that crap.

Usaully what I do though is stand up and tell him if I hear the F word one more time out of his mouth I will stomp him silly. Then buy him a budweiser.

The first one works better .


Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV

Question for Nolan
Just read your outrage of the day. I dont know the whole story so I can only comment on what information you have provided.

***First, a correction. I received three e-mails from MJ readrs who say they are going to the race. One person called the track and was told no alcohol could be brought in, but alcoholic beverages will be allowed for purchase. Yesterday's Washington Post erroneously reported NO ALCOHOL would be allowed, which caused my furor. Apparanetly, that report was not correct, so my "rant" was much ado about nothing.

Is it possible that the reason race officials dont want alcohol served is due to the fact that IF there were to be an "incident", it would be easier to evacuate tens of thousands of sober people as opposed to tens of thousands of drunken fools??? You ever try to easily remove ONE drunken fool from some place??

***That may be correct, but I don't want to live my life based on worst case scenarios and catering to the lowest common denominator. I've seen what security officials can do to a city (Washington's streets blocked off, metal detectors everywhere, cameras everywhere, and so forth) and I don't like it. People are going to drink at sporting events. It's part of life. to security officials I say DEAL WITH IT! But don't take away my beer because you can't do your phucking job.

Personally, off on a slight tangent, it wouldnt bother me in the least if they banned alcohol from EVERY sporting event in America.

***I respect your opinion and I have witnessed much alcohol abuse. I've even been the target of it a few times (can't imagine why -- I always jeep such a low profile and keep my thoughts to myself:). I understand fully where you are coming from. But last time I checked sporting events are not chior practices. Thank God it remains one of the last bastiens of blue-coller, good old fashioned hell raising. When you sit in the end zone at Veterans Stadium and cheer for the opposing team, you pretty much deserve what you get -- and that may include getting your ass kicked. Banning alcohol would be an idiotic approach to a non-issue. I assure you fans would then get loaded up before the game or sneak in bottles. It makes about as much sense as banning gambling on college sports. It just transfers the activity to another form.

It only takes one apple to ruin a bunch and there is nothing worse than attending a sporting event with your young son only to sit there and listen to some fool spout out the f-word for 3 solid hours and make a complete ass of himself.

***I understand where you are coming from. But I assure you Dad, that little junior is going to hear the F-Word by the time he's in 4th grade, if he hasn't heard it already. Perhaps you can make an example of the buffoons at ballgames by explaining to junior that what you see is not right. Sort of like pointing at the bad people and saying that's a no-no.

Would you allow that in your home??

***Well, in all honesty -- the scene you describe is pretty much what GOES ON IN MY HOME! Drinking. Cursing. Gambling. Life is good.

PRobably not, and I dont think anyone would criticize you for asking your guests to refrain from drinking in your home or smoking for that matter if it offends you or your other guests.

***You make a vaild point and I do not mean to excuse disruptive or dangerous behavior. But abnning beer sales is just ludicrious. It's like banning gambling neationwide because 3 percent of all gamblers are compulsives and will destroy themselves. Hello???? What about the 87 percent who gamble/drink responsibly? What about OUR rights?

I really dont see the outrage, and I am not part of the Christian right either.

***I've become so disenchanted with the Christian Right on so many issues, I just want to scream. And to think I used to defend Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson at one time. Now, I will use what little influence I may have to warn people of the dangers of these zealots. I know that may turn some people off, but it's just the way I am to speak out.

If you cant go 5 hours without drinking, then you have bigger fish to fry than worrying about rules and regulations.

***That's a mute point. If I want booze at my wedding, or Christmas dinner, or ballgames and then I am FORBIDDEN from having it, it's not a matter of not being able to drink 3-4 hours that's at issue. It's having MY RIGHTS taken away because of a gross over-reaction to a rather minor problem. Drinking, when done responsibly is one of the great pleasures of life. And, I want that option. If you or others chose not to drink, of course that is your right also.

Now the watered down sodas are another issue lol.

***Finally, we agree. :)

Nolan Dalla


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Forum Member
Feb 6, 2001
Re: Question for Nolan

Nolan and Scott,

Thanks for the replies. Just a few comments......

I do agree with the worst case scenario thought and not catering to the lowest common denominator. You are right - most security cant do their job and that is where I disagree with something Scott said. My scenario about having my son was hypothetical. My son is only 5 and isnt ready to sit thru a 9 inning ball game, BUT, if there was an unruly fan nearby, I wouldnt count on security to take care of the problem. In this day, people are so afraid to confront someone (in some cases) for fear of getting shot or stabbed in a parking lot. This is part of the reason why some movie theaters are so unruly. Ushers are afraid to toss people out for fear of what they would do in retaliation. I am sure the same plays on the mind of some stadium ushers. Therefore, I would either have to take my chance with the drunk (which i wouldnt do with my kid around) or leave. I know a total ban on alcohol is out of the question, but I was just saying that I wouldnt lose any sleep if it happened.

I also agree that people deserve their freedom, but you have to keep in mind that you share this earth with other people and if you're freedom infringes on someone else's space, then maybe those freedoms should be roped in a little. How much? Who the hell knows? Fortunately, that isnt my job to solve. :)

Finally, Nolan, you are right about my last point about not being able to withstand drinking for 5 hours. That is irrelevant. Voluntarily doing it and being forced to do it are two totally different issues. Not sure why I even had that statement in there to begin with. :)

Thanks again for the replies fellows........good luck to y'all. :)

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i agree.....i am about as conservative and "religious" as they come and although i am on the same side as Falwell and Robertson on most issues, i can't stand them.....i hate to call myself "religious" these days because the term has lost nearly all its true meaning as has "Christian".....guess the best thing one can do these days is to say you are a follower of Christ

Falwell needs to lose that 90 pounds of chin he has before he starts worrying about everyone else.....He and Robertson i have many qualms with.....

makes me sick to my stomach when these guys go on to debates or get their mugs on TV where they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and start spouting off stupid, self-righteous stuff....they are almost always in way over their head and run their mouths......fortunately, they are losing their credibility -- they need to wake up and smell the coffee and take a big dose of humble pie....i get more sick to my stomach because of these guys because MY SIDE gets misrepresented than when i hear guys like the reverend Jackson or Al Sharpton becasue those guys are so far out that you have to be an absolut moron to give an ounce of credibility to the way those guys reason


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Nov 4, 2000
Someone mentioned security cameras. This may be the next thing we will have to see hanging over every place we go. I hope we don't fall down that far.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
live in atlanta for a year like i di when i coached there,they have them in many places,i am sure scott has seen them,and they zoom in just like vegas and snap pitcures of peoples faces and keep them on file.

vegas has them in lot of places also besides the casinos they watch people all over the city,traffic.crime and drug sales they watch your every move in some parts of the city and most people don't even know it,till it was challenged by the aclu. lost of course was called for the betterment of the city. and atms also a great way of tracking people checks,i am cash and money orders,yes i have checks but reather send money order then a check that can be used for all kinds of info. to much watching us and not enough watching out for us in this country. if you want to be safe you must watch yourself because the feds are up there with the other small groups of messed up sick people in the world.

yes i love my country but don't trust my fed goverenment.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
If it isn't here already, like fletcher mentioned, it will be soon. This type of security has been in use in high traffic public areas in Europe for some time. It is the same idea that we use at the airport screeners. The cameras randomly scan the high traffic public areas looking for matches in their data bases. when they get a match, the camera zooms in and the authorities can then decide to monitor, arrest, or whatever. Of course, the key is what they use to compare in the data base. Supposedly it is faces of known criminals, a la hijacker/airport cams.

slim pickins

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Apr 2, 2002


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Jan 15, 2002
Re: Nolan

Re: Nolan

Heater said:
Don't you mean "moot" instead of "mute"?

Oh, a word correction post? How very clever.

Of the 26 posts you've made here, one of them contains picks. 25 contain drivel. Are you here to contribute to the signal or the noise?


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

Don't get Heather going again. She shows up every 28 days, so we have to accept that. Just wait five days, and we'll be good to go for another month.


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
I agree with Nolan; let me ask this if there is a very loud person cheering for a team at a sporting event do you assume that person is drunk? I have been to many a game and not had a drop but I am the loudest mofo in the joint. Granted dropping f-bombs, cursing all that good stuff is out of line I agree with that. This is a personal pet peave of mine, I have been going to 49er games for a long time and I have had other "fans" say just be quiet and watch the game. This is typical 49er fan fashion and I have gotten used to it, do I quiet down...NO and never will. If you want to watch a game in peace and have control over your domain on who says what and how loud....stay home, it's that easy. This tells me a lot about 49er fans, all the sterotypes (white wine sippin, fair weather mofo's etc.) seem to fit, I am a die hard Niner fan, but I have more fun going across the bay and watching the Raiders @ home.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV

You are right on the mark. It's just a matter of personal style I guess, but I love the Raiders fans, the Eagles fans, and much prefer the rowdiness of a blue collar crowd to the corporate sellouts who have killed the game for the middle class (I'm speaking of spectator events). Dallas home games used to be fashion shows for the Highland Park elite. It just made you want to throw up.

Now, I feel kinda' bad because at last years Super Bowl party I was dropping the F-Bomb every 60 seconds. F-ing Martz. F-ing Rams. This and that. I realize that's probably not a good place to show "true colors" in front of such an esteemed crowd as MadJacks -- but I can't help it. It's who I am. It's who Raider fans are. It's who Browns fans are. Passionate about the sport we love.

-- ND


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Overall I agree with what you said at how behavior is open to screaming vulgarities at the stadiums. Its all in good fun after all.
Freedom of speech and all of that stuff. Get as loud as you want and love the hell out of your team.

Quite a few years ago, my mom came in town to Atlanta to see her son.{me}.

Back then we had the Omni and I wanted to take her down there as she had never seen a indoor stadium. So I called the Omni to find out what was there on Saturday night so I could take my mom. Come to find out it was a wrestling event. I didn't think much about it and figured mom could see the stadium and enjoy some good old wrastlin.

Well it wasnt just a wrestling event it was like Andre the Giant taking on that blond haired Giant or something. For like the world championship. Geez that might be exciting. I think mom would enjoy that. After all we used to watch wrestling on TV.
It must be better in person.
So the day comes and as we were heading down there I noticed there seemed like alot of traffic. As we got closer it looked like everyone in metro Atlanta wanted to see this wrestling show. We made our way to the upper level and let me tell you that place was packed probably twenty thousand wrestling fans and me and my mom in the nosebleed seats.
Not only was it packed but most of these people had come loaded already. My mom is a fairly sedate woman and God fearing also. So we sit next to these guys that are about three sheets to the wind and they are sceaming and the thing hadnt even started. The guy next to my mom is about 6'6 and maybe 278. I think it was the third bout and the one guy next to my mom jumps up screaming his head off and falls into my moms lap and pukes on her shoes and puked all over this family that was below us. It was quite a sight to behold. Then he staggers up and starts screaming some more and yelling the f word up and down.

My mom was stunned for a few minutes I think. I have never seen a mob scene like that before.

In closing I think the wrestling venue expects that sort of behavior. Hey Nolan, Nick can get you good seats.

But if I am at a Braves game and I hear that behavior when I have my 12 year old daughter with me that big boys going down son. Get a cop , call the paddy wagon and load em up. Decent behavior is expected out of adults in public. The examples we leave on this earth are the ones we will be judged by. People can love their teams all you want and if they dont have any respect for others then they should find some respect for themselves. And just dont be a idiot. Its simple.

Anyways just my two cents worth.



Nolan Dalla

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Scott-Atlanta said:
The guy next to my mom is about 6'6 and maybe 278. I think it was the third bout and the one guy next to my mom jumps up screaming his head off and falls into my moms lap and pukes on her shoes and puked all over this family that was below us.

Speaking for Mad Jack: "I was no where near the Omni on the night of March 21st, 1983."


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