Question for Republicans


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Jun 18, 2002
Have you guys decided to back McCain? I remember a few conservative radio guys saying they would not vote for him. Has all been forgiven?


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Feb 12, 2000
I'm Republican because I guess you have to be from one of the two parties?? But, to me, both parties are almost identical now. Both want bigger government.

I think everyone knows where I stand at this point. Our choices suck. I don't really care who is President between these three. I may write in SpyTheWeb, so we can get some real changes around here!

Yes, I will more than likely vote for McCain.

It gets back to a post a week or two ago I made with little response. In today's current political climate, very few people actually "back" a candidate. We have all been sucked into the mud-slinging approach where we talk more about the bad qualities of the person we are not in support of instead of talking about the good qualities of the candidate that you are going to vote for.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i have a question...when are democrats gonna take the handcuffs off this country`s ability to provide it`s own energy?....

i`m not talking about changing lightbulbs...i`m not talking about phony carbon credits...

i`m talking about building some more refineries...building some nuclear power plants...

accessing oil resources in anwar,the continental shelf and in newly discovered reserves in north dakota....

cuba`s drilling 40 miles off the florida coast and by any measure,they aren`t even close to being as ecologically responsible as we would be given all the regulations we opearte under....

we`re letting cuba,china,and other unfriendly competitive nations leave us in their dust...

we get a large portion of our oil from non-middle eastern sources(mexico/canada/venezuela) and could potentially relieve much of our dependence on middle eastern oil by utiliziing our own resources to the best of our abilities while researching other methods of energy....

makes no sense whatsoever...


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
?? was anyone voting for old john. Have reb's forgiven him for being a liberial. I can't stand any of whats left to vote for. And some old guy is not in my plans.
As for them Dems that wont let more drilling and refineres plants built. Of course that is total bull
chit. And just plane old thinking to the problem. time to wake up we need new ideas not more of same chit. By the way the oil companies claim with new tech methoids they have off set any closeing of there out dated refineres. Remember Reb were in charge of congress last 10 of 12 years and did chit.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
if barack gets the nod,i vote for mccain....

if hillary gets the nod,i may actually consider her...or abstain....

(but,that`s not written in stone with 7 months to go before doomsday)...

Toledo Prophet

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Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio

I been following the oil in ND. Seems to me they already are drilling and oil companies are already making big time profits of it.

Shockingly, it does not appear to be helping keeping the prices at the gas tank down. :SIB

I have read two articles in recent weeks on this issue. One was in Good Magazine. IO linked it in one of his threads because of a very interesting read in China, and I found the oil in ND piece as I perused their site.

I'll try to dig it up and link it. It might be a mini thread hijack, but what the heck.

I am with you on nuclear energy. But, there are many people with a republican bent that are against it as well. A lot of people are just flat out scared of the specter of three mile island and chrnobyl, despite party affiliation. We need to get past that.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i have a question...when are democrats gonna take the handcuffs off this country`s ability to provide it`s own energy?....

i`m not talking about changing lightbulbs...i`m not talking about phony carbon credits...

i`m talking about building some more refineries...building some nuclear power plants...

accessing oil resources in anwar,the continental shelf and in newly discovered reserves in north dakota....

cuba`s drilling 40 miles off the florida coast and by any measure,they aren`t even close to being as ecologically responsible as we would be given all the regulations we opearte under....

we`re letting cuba,china,and other unfriendly competitive nations leave us in their dust...

we get a large portion of our oil from non-middle eastern sources(mexico/canada/venezuela) and could potentially relieve much of our dependence on middle eastern oil by utiliziing our own resources to the best of our abilities while researching other methods of energy....

makes no sense whatsoever...

weasel maybe we should start with stuff like this first. Boy i tell ya. You are like a robot when it comes to these liars.
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR04) railed against the Republican special interests that prevent any real progress from being made on getting control over skyrocketing fuel prices and huge profits being realized by oil companies while consumers struggle with high fuel costs ... " Now, there?s a few things we could do. Now, the president?s a big free trader, right? He?s trying to push us into more free trade agreements. They say they work great. He wants ?rules-based trade.? Well, we?re in the WTO, they have rules. The rules say you can not restrict the supply of a commodity simply to drive up the price. That?s what OPEC?s doing. Now five members of OPEC are in the WTO. Will this president ? the oil man ?- the friend of the Saudis and the others ? will he file a complaint in the World Trade Organization against OPEC? No. I wrote to him three years ago, asking him to do that. The answer was no. If the Saudis and the OPEC countries want to get together and collude to drive up the price of the oil, that?s just fine with George Bush. He?s all for free trade, and rules-based trade, except when the rules might hurt some of his buddies. And then, the oil industry just piggy backs on top of that ..".... The Gavel: The price for regular gasoline reached a record $3.53 per gallon today ? 23 percent more than this time last year and 140 percent more than when President Bush took office. The Democratic-led Congress has passed a number of key bills to reduce the burden of rising gas prices on Americans and make America less dependent on foreign oil ? but the President has threatened to veto each one. House Democrats call on President Bush to support House-passed legislation such as the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) Act, The Energy Price Gouging Act, and the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act and bring real relief to America?s families and businesses now.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Have you guys decided to back McCain? I remember a few conservative radio guys saying they would not vote for him. Has all been forgiven?

---consider the alternatives

On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer.

On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with a big tits who owns a beer distributorship. :)
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Have you guys decided to back McCain? I remember a few conservative radio guys saying they would not vote for him. Has all been forgiven?

He is the lesser of the evils...I just hope that he picks a conservative like Mitt Romney for VP.


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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Had my first political discussion face to face last night with a few friends.

Are Romney and Huckabee the best choices for McCain?

i have no clue. What's being thrown around?


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I can verify, again, a local angle on the McCain VP choice. MN Governor Pawlenty was in Washington this week where they were holding a big-wigs fundraiser for him - the knobbiest of the hob-nobbers. Reportedly, he is now nicknamed "45" - as in President #45. He certainly would be a good backup for McCain as far as being youthful, positive, pretty conservative (although he is incredibly creative in what he does to raise government money here in MN) and has been groomed for the VP position for a long time. Considering that he is a two term elected Republican Governor in a Blue State, they probably think he is the ticket to making inroads that way, and in a state which could help in the general election.

I don't know how it would play nationally, but he would be many things that McCain is not, and the VP choice will be very important (for both parties).

I'm wondering aloud if Tenzing is going to come in here and blast Weasel for his completely off-topic democratic blast...that one was definitely from out in right gardenville... :shrug:

Toledo Prophet

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Forum Member
Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio

Define "creative" regarding the Gov's methods in raising money. Just curious as I am not up to speed on whats going in Minnesota unless it something to do with the Twinkies or Viqueens.

If he does become the VP nomination, I am curious if that would swing your vote or at least give you some consideriation. I know nothing about this guy, so I am more curious than anything else.

Seems like everybody agrees that the VP choise will be critical, so I am wondering what your personal take would be on this guy.

Thanks in advance,



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
weasel maybe we should start with stuff like this first. Boy i tell ya. You are like a robot when it comes to these liars.
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR04) railed against the Republican special interests that prevent any real progress from being made on getting control over skyrocketing fuel prices and huge profits being realized by oil companies while consumers struggle with high fuel costs ... " Now, there?s a few things we could do. Now, the president?s a big free trader, right? He?s trying to push us into more free trade agreements. They say they work great. He wants ?rules-based trade.? Well, we?re in the WTO, they have rules. The rules say you can not restrict the supply of a commodity simply to drive up the price. That?s what OPEC?s doing. Now five members of OPEC are in the WTO. Will this president ? the oil man ?- the friend of the Saudis and the others ? will he file a complaint in the World Trade Organization against OPEC? No. I wrote to him three years ago, asking him to do that. The answer was no. If the Saudis and the OPEC countries want to get together and collude to drive up the price of the oil, that?s just fine with George Bush. He?s all for free trade, and rules-based trade, except when the rules might hurt some of his buddies. And then, the oil industry just piggy backs on top of that ..".... The Gavel: The price for regular gasoline reached a record $3.53 per gallon today ? 23 percent more than this time last year and 140 percent more than when President Bush took office. The Democratic-led Congress has passed a number of key bills to reduce the burden of rising gas prices on Americans and make America less dependent on foreign oil ? but the President has threatened to veto each one. House Democrats call on President Bush to support House-passed legislation such as the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) Act, The Energy Price Gouging Act, and the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act and bring real relief to America?s families and businesses now.

toledo...i wasn`t aware that they actually started in n.d....i am aware that the dems were foiled in their bid to block opening anwar....

of course they also got enough votes to build the border fence and they`re dragging their feet on that...

we need to get on board with nuclear power and some refineries...get busy off the coast...

stop doing nothing more than complaining about the oil companies...

it`s more than a financial issue...we need to be out from under the influence of any middle eastern country...`re the parrot..everything you copy and pasted was governmental bullshit and wrangling...

opec can collude all they want if we don`t need them..we only get a portion of out oil from them(anywhere from 11-21 %,depending on your source info...and technically,venezuela`s a member,sort of)).....forget the oil companies and their profits...we need to become independent of middle eastern oil.....get the g.d.`ed government out of the way...

who cares if the oil companies make millions?..that`s fine with me.....the issue is extracting our dependence on any and all things middle eastern...funding indirectly,those that want to see us harmed...

we start utilizing our own resources....instead of letting the tail wag the dog,we can start moving in that direction...none of the b.s. you outlined means a hill of beans if we can utilize our own resources...

don`t tell me we don`t have the resources...we do.....but,thanks to the spotted owl and political gamesmanship,we`re hamstrung...

it`s ridiculous...use what we proactive...

we`ve waited to long....and if a dem gets in the wh...hell,maybe even if mclame gets in(there are after all,3 dems running),we`ll go back to wringing our hands....

i suspect the anwar bill will never see the light of day....and we`ll go back to wringing our hands and complaining about oil company profits come november...


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri

Define "creative" regarding the Gov's methods in raising money. Just curious as I am not up to speed on whats going in Minnesota unless it something to do with the Twinkies or Viqueens.

If he does become the VP nomination, I am curious if that would swing your vote or at least give you some consideriation. I know nothing about this guy, so I am more curious than anything else.

Seems like everybody agrees that the VP choise will be critical, so I am wondering what your personal take would be on this guy.

Thanks in advance,


First off, and most important, I'd like you to stop referring to the local football team as the Viqueens. After making the Jared Allen trade, this defense will be frighteningly good, and the playoffs won't be far behind. But, on to your point...:)

At face value, the addition of Pawlenty to the republican ticket would not swing my vote. I remain interested and supportive of the democratic options (Hillary quite a bit more than Obama, but he remains second on my list of three possibles), and unless they throw up something that offends my sensibilities as VP, I will vote democratic this time. Nothing unusual, or unexpected there, eh?

I did not vote for Pawlenty the first time he ran, but I did the last time he ran. Although I have not studied everything he has done, my overall take on his performance is that he has done a solid job as a Governor. Minnesotans tend to be a pretty accepting bunch, and he is a pretty likeable guy that says many things that people want to hear. What he says and what he does are not always the same, of course, and his jargon can be very creative.

As for his economic issues, there are a couple of ways he has conducted business that are interesting. He maintains he never raises taxes, and won't, but he uses creative fees and is a big proponent of user fees, that kind of thing. He never puts his name with anything that sounds like tax, but in essence pretty much does that with fees and other creative words. My father-in-law has told me some specifics on his efforts to manage the budget and the funds that come in, to make everything look better. He has taken funds to be used for one thing and applied them to other things - dadinlaw is an electrical inspector that is employed by the state as in independent contractor, per se. This organization had a nice surplus of collected inspection fees from already completed work - money that should go to continued running of the department and paying the inspectors, but this money was removed by Pawlenty into other programs during the budgeting process. In short, a self-sufficient, nicely performing department was used to make other departments look not so bad in the sake of a better looking budget. Things like that - and there are other things I have heard about.

He has been a proponent of some pretty big ticket items for the state, like a huge light rail project that connects some of the big cities/areas, that cost a lot and it's arguable how cost-effective they are - pretty boondogglish, and taxpayer unfriendly. He helped squire through new stadiums for the Gophers and Twins, and always makes happy smiling appearances at the cool events. He has also taken a very hard line stance on drug purchasing for the state, and it's citizens - really came to a head and challenged the federal government and the Bush administration on this, saying the state was going to accept bids from Canadian companies, etc., and citizens would be free to do the same. I kind of admired that, and think he can be pretty strong on things.

At this point, I would probably consider voting for him again as governor, but would entertain other options. And I guess I've never thought him to be a super strong candidate as VP that would be a big plus for a President in garnering a lot of support. He just seems like a master politician, that looks and sounds nice, and can spin a tale to look good in most situations.

My overall take would be...I would not be excited to think of him as my President - I just think he's a little lukewarm and untested. I think he would present well, but I honestly think he is more show than substance.

Toledo Prophet

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Forum Member
Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio

So Viqueens is not good, but Twinkies is alright? My uncle used to live in minneapolis and always called the teams that so it is something I picked up. But, I will reform my ways and never utter that moniker again.......until, of course, they fail to cover the number is a big game for me next fall. Then, I might let it slip out again!!

Anyway, thanks for the answers and insights. The usage of 'fees' instead of taxes is a typical republican (or any politician, really) move so they can continue to claim they never raise taxes. Did not our president in a recent budget have something like hundreds of fee increases proposed, yet still touted a tax increase free budget proposal?

Like everything in politics, it is all about the semantics. And, fuzzy and manipulated mathematics.

I give him big ups for that prescription drug stance. This is our government, it should work for us. Why our current president does not get that I do not know. The VA negotiates on behalf of veterans and gets them great deals. Why cant the government do that for us, especially seniors. It was great to see leaders of states across the country drop partisanship and stand up on this issue.

Anyway, I never knew anything about him and just wanted a bit more. Probably a thread hijack, but oh well. As we get closer, we probably should just have an open thread about possible VP candidates. The rumors will begin flying around soon enough.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Both monikers are applicable and are used here and elsewhere...I know that. I would usually say that the Twins, even in their solid recent past have usually played kind of Twinkie-like - definitely not big-bopper-like. I guess the Viking thing is a little more top of mind, due to the draft being here, and the Vikings having been so strongly pro-active in free agency and in getting the Allen deal done. I can tell you that many of us were floored that they were able to make that deal happen - it just never happens that way up here - usually just the opposite.

We are feeling a lot of king-like Purple Pride this week, so that's why I defended them, I guess.


Forum Member
Dec 26, 2003
5ft, pin high......
---consider the alternatives

On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer.

On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with a big tits who owns a beer distributorship. :)

gawd......when you put it that way.....:142smilie

Hate to agree with the wease.......what the hell is in my coffee today:shrug: ......but he's right about the oil..........

Three questions.....

#1) Do we or do we not get about as much from Venezuela as the Middle East? If so, we have of course handled this relationship quite poorly.

#2) Would you, if you were a Saudi prince/oil magnate, increase your own costs by upping oil extraction or production in an environment where your current capacity is quenching the thirst all whilst the price of your product keeps going up?

#3) Is it true about this ND oil field being estimated at 4+ billion barrels? If so, and we use it at a rate of 7+ billion barrels per annum, does it matter?

That's four questions..........i'll hang up and listen to your answer.

Have a day!

ps Fawk the Vikings!!!!!! (JK) Still scratching my head regarding the Bears draft......although I have to admit......I actually liked the fact that they went for depth in the trenches. I would've taken a flyer on Dixon, though................I can see the future! At QB for your Chicago Bears.........#13.........Kyle Boller!!!:scared
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