Okay, here goes...........someone i know (ummm.....and just maybe i've known her since the second she was born....LOL) is once again a member at a couple of online dating services.......If you are at all familiar with them, you know they ask you a bunch of questions, both about yourself, and your *ideal matches* traits, likes/dislikes, physical appearance questions..........etc......
a few of the sample questions from one of the services would be..... Do you like McDonald's? , what sports you play, what sports you watch, what your favorite type of TV show is, how often do you like to dine out, height, build, hair color, do you like pubs, smoking habits, drinking habits, and etc, etc, etc....... you get the drift! They also ask about children.....do you HAVE, WANT, DON'T WANT, CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE?, and also, they ask you the same question for what your ideal mate would think on this subject........... This question is the one i use as a MAIN priority in deciding if i'd ever want to meet someone or not to see if it could lead somewhere nice. It's kinda hard to give a rat's @ss if they don't like Mickey D's and I do........heck, it isn't like EVERY meal will be eaten together...... and SO freaken what if they're only 5'9" and i said my *ideal* mate would be 5'11" or taller.......and well, DUH, how many houses only have one television these days? (that, and what real man wouldn't be happy watching ESPN, anyway
Anyway, there is one guy in particular, that EVERYTHING we listed seems to match wonderfully..........yes, there is a *but* .........BUT CHILDREN........he stated in his profile that his ideal match would not have any kids.......WHOA, RED FLAG, kids come first!!!!!! This guy is just a riot to chat with, and is extremely persistant, even tho i told him that the *no kids* thing was just too much for me to know i could ever overlook.
all of a sudden (and this goes back to the thread on changes after marriage, and someone saying that *they* will agree to anything in order to get what they want before whatever the ultimate goal is, is met) he changes his tune on kids, and says he didn't really *mean* that kids weren't OK......
If any of you were filling out a profile for one of these things......where do you think you would be most likely to *fib*, if at all, in the section about yourself, OR in the section about what you are looking for in a mate? I should add, too, that on the kids question, you aren't limited to just one choice......you can mark both *kids* AND *no kids* as an option, if you were open and receptive to either. My personal opinion on this matter says that if when filling out your profile, you minded if someone had children, you STILL mind, what do you guys think? should i keep that red flag high in the air, or take the chance that i could fall for someone that wouldn't work out in the long run, because they aren't capable of being a *step* whatever? In every other way, this guy seems perfect, i'm just afraid that he is only changing his tune to make him sound perfect in EVERY way, rather than just most ways.
(i'll add this, too.........in my section for filling out what i wanted for my mate to have as far as kids go, i checked the boxes for no kids, 1 to 2 kids, 3 to 4 kids........i did NOT check the boxes for *i can't wait to have kids* or for more than 4 kids
) ...... so in a way, i'm not 100% ruling out one thing that i would deal with if they were perfect in every other way....... I don't necessarily NEED any more children, but if i were to meet somone that wanted one of their own, i would not rule out the possibility of giving them that, because i can fully understand the importance of wanting your own children, even if you have step children. his, mine, and ours are fine by me, as a child is the most precious gift that you can share with the person you love...
anyway, your turn, if it were YOU, would YOU change your tune about children, just for the chance to meet someone??
thanks for your help, and i'm sure by the comments i get here, ALOT more questions will follow from me
........... it's a weird thing being out in the real world again...LOL
a few of the sample questions from one of the services would be..... Do you like McDonald's? , what sports you play, what sports you watch, what your favorite type of TV show is, how often do you like to dine out, height, build, hair color, do you like pubs, smoking habits, drinking habits, and etc, etc, etc....... you get the drift! They also ask about children.....do you HAVE, WANT, DON'T WANT, CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE?, and also, they ask you the same question for what your ideal mate would think on this subject........... This question is the one i use as a MAIN priority in deciding if i'd ever want to meet someone or not to see if it could lead somewhere nice. It's kinda hard to give a rat's @ss if they don't like Mickey D's and I do........heck, it isn't like EVERY meal will be eaten together...... and SO freaken what if they're only 5'9" and i said my *ideal* mate would be 5'11" or taller.......and well, DUH, how many houses only have one television these days? (that, and what real man wouldn't be happy watching ESPN, anyway
Anyway, there is one guy in particular, that EVERYTHING we listed seems to match wonderfully..........yes, there is a *but* .........BUT CHILDREN........he stated in his profile that his ideal match would not have any kids.......WHOA, RED FLAG, kids come first!!!!!! This guy is just a riot to chat with, and is extremely persistant, even tho i told him that the *no kids* thing was just too much for me to know i could ever overlook.
all of a sudden (and this goes back to the thread on changes after marriage, and someone saying that *they* will agree to anything in order to get what they want before whatever the ultimate goal is, is met) he changes his tune on kids, and says he didn't really *mean* that kids weren't OK......
If any of you were filling out a profile for one of these things......where do you think you would be most likely to *fib*, if at all, in the section about yourself, OR in the section about what you are looking for in a mate? I should add, too, that on the kids question, you aren't limited to just one choice......you can mark both *kids* AND *no kids* as an option, if you were open and receptive to either. My personal opinion on this matter says that if when filling out your profile, you minded if someone had children, you STILL mind, what do you guys think? should i keep that red flag high in the air, or take the chance that i could fall for someone that wouldn't work out in the long run, because they aren't capable of being a *step* whatever? In every other way, this guy seems perfect, i'm just afraid that he is only changing his tune to make him sound perfect in EVERY way, rather than just most ways.
(i'll add this, too.........in my section for filling out what i wanted for my mate to have as far as kids go, i checked the boxes for no kids, 1 to 2 kids, 3 to 4 kids........i did NOT check the boxes for *i can't wait to have kids* or for more than 4 kids
anyway, your turn, if it were YOU, would YOU change your tune about children, just for the chance to meet someone??
thanks for your help, and i'm sure by the comments i get here, ALOT more questions will follow from me