Question on Buying football game tickets

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
I live near Orlando and like to travel to Tampa Bay games. I usually have tickets in hand, but this year, decent priced tickets are few and hard to come by, seeing all of the games are sold out.

I've come across two pairs of tickets that are being sold by a travel agency that I have a question on.

The tickets are actually in the wheel chair access area. The way the Tampa stadium is laid out, the wheel chair access is on the third level and there are two spots for wheel chairs, and next to them are two regular stadium seats. Then two more empty spaces, then two stadium seats and etc.

Obviously the seats next to the wheelchair access spaces were meant to be sold to the person that accompanies the person in the wheelchair.

So my question is, if I show up to the stadium holding these tickets, am I going to get the seats or will I get the boot?

Don't know if buying these tickets without being in the company of a wheelchair fan is taboo or not. Anyone have any knowledge on this situation?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
I have a friend that is a ticket agent and I've sat in the handicap row several times. You do NOT have to be handicapped to sit there and if its the same in Tampa as it is in Charlotte its an AWESOME seat. In Charlote its the 1st row of the 3rd level and up against the rail but the best thing is its 10 feet in front of the 1st row of regular seats with a 10 foot high cement wall behind so you can stand or sit and your not in anyones way. Take the tickets you'll be happy you did. Don't feel guilty because its just like the Mall or supermarket theres plenty more handicap seats then handicap people that go to games.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Just remember Mick, you don't have to be in a wheelchair to be considered handicapped. You also don't have to be on a set of crutches or even a walker. Perhaps you suffer from bouts of extreme asthma that make it nearly impossible for you to climb stairs. Perhaps your blind in one eye and suffer debilitating glaucoma in the other? Hell, make up somethin', cuz in general they are usually VERY good seats!


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Thanks guys-

I personally have no problem buying them, just didn't know if there was some unwritten rule about this. I guess when every game is sold out, the rules go out the window!!!