Question on NFL schedule...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Does anyone know where to find next year's schedule? Very important for me. They say it is not posted until April but I need to know it sooner. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you. :)


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Feb 12, 2000
I don't think it is made until well after the post-season is over.


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
You can figure out 14 of the 16 games now...though I am not sure how you figure out which ones are at home and which ones are on the road. And it's impossible to figure out the dates or order of the games...schedule doesn't get made for months.

You're in Ohio, so I will assume you are either a fan of some team from the AFC North (maybe a bad assumption?).

Next year your 16 games look like this:
?3 home and 3 road vs the teams in your division.
?1 game against each of the teams from the AFC South (2 home, 2 away).*
?1 game against each of the teams from the NFC North (2 home, 2 away).**
?The two "mystery" games. :) If your team finishes 1st in it's division, you play 1 home game and 1 road game against the winners of the two divisions in-conference that you are not paired up with (in this case, the AFC East and AFC West). Likewise, if your team comes 3rd, you get the 3rd place teams from those divisions. This is the only part of the schedule that is not known ahead of time, and the only part that is based on how your team performs.

Hope that helps, that's as good as you can do at this point.


* - Rotates on a 3-year schedule. In 2005 the AFC North plays the AFC South. In 2006 it's AFC North vs AFC West, '07 has North vs East, etc

** - Rotates on a 4-year schedule. AFC North is paired with: NFC North in 2005, NFC South in 2006, NFC West in 2007, NFC East in 2008, etc.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
GM - thanks. Trying to figure out Road v home but this is a start. I appreciate it.


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
I think you can partially figure that out. I still don't know which team you are a fan of, but I'm going to assume it's either Cleveland or Cinci.

In 2002 (the last time the AFC North was paired with the AFC South), Cleveland was at home to Houston and Indy, and @ Jacksonville and Tennessee. I am pretty sure they just reverse it the next time around. Cleveland should have home games vs Jax and Tenn next year.

If it's Cinci you're concerned '02 they were @ Indy and @ Hou, and home to Jax and Tenn. So they should have home games vs Indy and Houston in '05.

As for the NFC...this system only began in '02 (when Houston was added to the league), so the AFC North hasn't yet played the NFC North. So I don't know which two teams you'd get @ home. But I would guess you'd either be getting Chicago & Detroit at home (the first two alphabetically) or Green Bay and Minnesota (the last two alphabetically), as it seems this is the way home and road games out of division are paired up.

(Note how Hou & Indy are a pair, Jax & Tenn are a pair, etc. Also check out this year's schedule for out-of-divison games and you'll see you always seem to get either the first two alphabetically from a division at home, or the last two).
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