Question on Pete Carroll vs mobile QB's?

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Jan 6, 2003
Has he ever had to face one before? In looking back through their past schedules, I don't see one that jumps out at me. Brad Banks is a possibility I guess, but he never struck me as a great runner at Iowa.

Seems like this could be the "X-factor" given that one of Pete's staples on D is being able to stop the run with two safeties deep. Will he finally have to walk one up to stop Young, and if so how will this affect his schemes?


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
This year USC beat Washington who has very mobile QB in Stanback.

USC beat Auburn twice with their mobile QB Campbell who was drafted 1st round by Redskins. Year 2 and year 3 of Carroll.

Carroll lost to Kansas St. twice and faced Eli Robertson who was extremely mobile. Year 1 and 2 of Carroll.

Carroll beat V-Tech last year @V-Tech with Randall at QB who was mobile.

USC beat Iowa in BCS bowl game with Heisman contender Brad Banks.

Year 1 and year 2 ND had mobile QB and USC went 1-1 against him.

A lot of Pac 10 QB's are mobile. Not VY mobile. But mobile to where they can hurt you. A good example is like Brady Quinn or Clemmons from Oregon. Above players I mentioned were very mobile QB's. Thats what I remember from top of my head.

USC and Carroll D thrives on "IMMOBILE" QB's! Ask Michigan QB BCS ROSE BOWL 2 years ago. 9 sacks against a great great Michigan OL. Michigan fans claimed Michigan OL was wall you couldn't penetrate. :) Also too BIG and physical for USC D! :)

Mobile QB's have given USC trouble.
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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2003
Thanks for the response. Was thinking they have had to play a few over the years, Banks was probably the best out of those, but he really wasn't a big runner in that offense. I wonder if Pete will committ a spy to VY. I know I would.


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Texas A&M has $hit defense but they played assignment football and contained Young. VY got very frustrated. Could have been just an off day.

USC defense is without question better than A&M and USC's DC is light years better than A&M DC. USC is much faster and plays much better assignment football. USC also has more depth than A&M.

USC will have a same gameplan as A&M but with more sophisticated blitz packages.

Pete Carroll was asked about defending mobile QB's. Carroll says he doesn't really change a whole lot. You just need to put more focus on assignment football by staying in your lanes. He said if the QB runs, make sure you punish him for it. :nutkick USC for 3 straight years has put a beating on opposing QB's. Honestly, don't be shocked if USC puts a beating on the big Texas QB. He might get hurt if he takes on tackles. If he gets hurt, Texas is finished. CO defense bounced off Young. But what you must focus on is Young was willing to let CO defense get hits on him. They just bounced off. USC won't. I guarantee that.
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Jan 6, 2003
3 Seconds said:
VY thrives on the phyiscal play. IF OSU backers cant knock him out, I dont think USC's can.

I agree. Vince is a special player. USC has played good defense for a number of years under Carroll but this year's OSU D was better than USC's. I was shocked that he was able to do what he did against Hawk and company.


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
OSU may hit hard, maybe harder than USC. A div 1aa team can knock out Young on a hit. USC I know hits very hard and is very fast and physical on D. I think USC has more team speed on D than OSU. OSU's D advantage is experience play of their LB's.

Look at both your comments. VY is willing to take the contact and gain big yards. Against CO I saw CO defenders bouncing off Young. But what is important is they got clean hits at him. If VY takes that same approach against USC, I think he gets beat up bad. REAL BAD! Do not take hits from USC D. People think USC plays in pac 10 they are not physical/fast etc. Even if people realize USC may be different, they still don't believe USC might be one of the most physical/fast defenses in the country. USC is very physical.