IMHO I sort of think it's a mantra of men not to mess with another man's wife, just bad karma. Kind of like if you do that stuff to another man and decide to settle down and you and your wife get into a know the drill. To elaborate on the question I pose this to the women of the group, why is it that women flock to a guy with a ring. Dunno if it's just me or the folks I hang with but as soon as you get a ring on your flies to honey. On the same note if you have the "ring tan" you get blackballed. Is it just a test or what...women of the group please fill us in. Just a little history I am married and would never do that to my wife, I could just not handle the guilt. I do have single friends that wear a ring when they go out, when questioned about it they say "it got you talking".
ladies any insight?