Race And Sports. Rick Reilly's Column.

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Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Monk, Being from the most racially biased part of the state in which I live, North Alabama, people around me talk about black folks like they are the scurge of the earth, and to be quite honest with you I don't see it! I think it is about time these guys get a little payback, just don't do it just to be mean to someone! It's like this, If I were a roundballer I wouldn't take offense to a black guy saying "hey whitey nice shot or you suck" if its in fun. But if I'm strolling him up and down the court and he says it then just to have an ace in the whole, Best step back because there is gonna be a fight! And vice versa, I joke with my black friends and they know it is just a joke! If I was not just playing around I would expect a fist in the mouth! It's all about respect!!!!! If you respect someone you would never say these things and wouldn't even think them.

Like Tyson, he's just a damn looney bird anyway, his own race doesn't even take him serious! But that thing Carter said, I'm sure if he was being a pecker when he said it Wally would have gotten him back! But the article did not let on to how many points Carter actually scored that evening did he? Some people just like to stir the pot! Now I'll go out on a limb here and say John Rocker got a raw deal! He said the same things essentially, but he said them about a whole BUNCH of folks, just his opinion like Shaq's opinion! That's not what he's into and thats fine, it goes back to that religon thing, Think it just don't broadcast it. And that goes for all races If you are black and you don't like whitey for some reason, don't spoil the whole bunch, keep that to yourself! Same with whites and Indians and Asians, just be a human!!!

I'll give you a great example of how bad biased this old town I live in is! Back in the late 20's and early 30's there was a sign on the south end of the county and one right smack dabb in the middle of town that said "N!!!!!, don't let the sun set own you here" and this ain't no crap! Everybody I met in College that was from a different part of the state always asked me about that and wondered if it were true! Yes it's true. But here is how I approach that, That is over 70 years ago, people heve been born, raised children, grandchildren, and died since that way of thinking was common place! I told one of my buddies from Birmingham ( yes he is black ) the other day when he came by to visit " hey man it's getting dark, don't you think we might ought to get the hell outta here?" And we just laughed our tails off because that is just so overrated and outdated that it seems ridiculous. But on the other hand he told me to keep my head down one day because we were in a bad section of town and even though he was black, that still wouldn't save the both of us from getting beat down if the brothers saw me in their neighborhood! Yeah Right! Maybe in the 60's! I just laughed and went right on about my business!

But no I don't think this will cause a storm because it's just that one mans opinion. I know I'm white and I have no rythym, can't jump, can't ball (not as good as I could), but I could knock the living hell out of ya on the football field! I had that happen to me one time when I knocked this old boy flat on his A@@ and he said man you hit hard for a white boy! I just laughed at him and took it as a compliment, and knocked that a@@ off every time I got a chance and laughed everytime! Just another day in my neighborhood:D


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Feb 22, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
...............must have been a slow news day in Rick Reilly's "hood"........

I agree with Blue, this is a non-story. There will be a few who will jump up and down and claim they were insulted (the alleged insult, of course, would be forgotten with a little cash.....say 1.2 million...), but for the majority of us, this story is just about a guy with nothing to write about. He probably wrote this quite some time ago, needed to hit a deadline and pulled it out.

The fact of the matter is people of any race can sling crap among themselves much better than someone of another race can do to them. Just listen to a group of guys (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, it doesn't matter) ripping themselves. We pull out all the stops. Your sister, you mother, all that cool stuff we know about your ex-girlfriends, nothing's sacred.

Then, suddenly, someone of another race says the same thing to you. You now have, through the beauty of political correctness, earned the right to be totally offended.

Rick Reilly makes money by selling magazines and this is a cheap-ass attempt to stir something up and boost readership.


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Nov 6, 2000
Philadelphia, PA 19136
The problem exists with the "white" community allowing every other race to bash them without paying the price. Every time someone of the white race makes a comment based on race (and we all know it's funny - or - correct) they are asked to apologize, suspended or end up losing their jobs.

The population as a whole needs to wake up and live in the present.


Take Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louise Farakan and Mulmalla Jabar and send them to a deserted island to preech their shit.

I agree with Rick Reilly's article and I would hope all "white" americans become outraged with some of this comments made in the article.


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Jul 13, 1999
forget it......

race, religion and politics are out.

we've been there and done that.

i appreciate those trying to stimulate conversation, but i'm the one that has to keep peace here and it's impossible with certain topics.

thanks for understanding.

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