Race vs violent crime

Duff Miver

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Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
The three states with the highest rates of violent crimes are -

1. Tennessee 75% white, 16% black

2. Nevada 52% white, 8% black

3. Alaska 64% white, 3% black.

Facts. You can lookemup.

You whitey-boys are some violent mutthafukkahs.


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Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
As Paul Harvey used to say" Now for the rest of the story"... You do not even post where your facts come from. You leave out Washington DC which has the most violent crime of anywhere in USA. Do any blacks live there?
In 2013 Memphis police put up billboards saying to enter city at your own risk. Memphis is 64 percent black and had 151 percent more violent crime than the state average.
TEnnessee Bureau of Investigtion shows 34-39 percent of violent crimes committed by blacks.
2411WallSt.com lists worst states for blacks to live in.
1. Wisconsin
2. Minnesota
3. Rhode Island
Other than the great American Govenor Scott Walker these states have been run into the ground by liberal democrats.
Why do blacks keep voting the fools into office ? Obviously they are not helping the black folk.
You need to go rent the early 60's movie with James Whitmore. It is called"Black like Me".
A white reporter paints himself black to live as a Negro.
It might help you understand race relations better.


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Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
Lowell, you need to start your response off with "HEY ASSHOLE", or he wont be able to find someone to read it to him

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
As Paul Harvey used to say" Now for the rest of the story"... You do not even post where your facts come from. You leave out Washington DC which has the most violent crime of anywhere in USA. Do any blacks live there?
In 2013 Memphis police put up billboards saying to enter city at your own risk. Memphis is 64 percent black and had 151 percent more violent crime than the state average.
TEnnessee Bureau of Investigtion shows 34-39 percent of violent crimes committed by blacks.
2411WallSt.com lists worst states for blacks to live in.
1. Wisconsin
2. Minnesota
3. Rhode Island
Other than the great American Govenor Scott Walker these states have been run into the ground by liberal democrats.
Why do blacks keep voting the fools into office ? Obviously they are not helping the black folk.
You need to go rent the early 60's movie with James Whitmore. It is called"Black like Me".
A white reporter paints himself black to live as a Negro.
It might help you understand race relations better.

Washington DC is not a state. Too tough for you.

Here's the source.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Washington DC is not a state. Too tough for you.

Here's the source.

Never said it was a state. Just said it had the most crime .
Of course blacks committ less crime in Alaska and Nevada. Not many choose to live there.
Blacks do committ crime in Missouri as yesterday a thug was arrested for killing white guy from Craig's list ad about a car.
I am sure you read the story last week in Baltimore about the thug who raped a nun in Baltimore.
I will check the overall percentage of violent crimes committed by blacks in USA. Having only 12 percent of the population do you think it will be under or over?
Stay tuned.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Per FBI website blacks committed 29.4 percent of all violent crime in 2012 which is about 250 percent more than their 12 percent makeup of USA citizens.
They committed 49 percent of murders which is 400 percent .
Glad you decided to bring up this topic.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Per FBI stats blacks are 39 more time likely to committ a violent crime versus a white than vice versa.
They committ a robbery versus a white at rate of 136 to 1.
Also just realized that Latinos are grouped in with white statistic. 69 percent of violent crime committed by whites in 2012. 6.8 million white/Latino crimes versus 2.9 black.
Latinos have 3 to 1 more murders than whites. Read this on FBI site but anything can be true or false.
A few years ago Latinos and blacks were responsible for 96 percent of all murders in New York. Amazing stat.
Another stat is 5 policemen have been shot in NY in past few months. 3 have died. Where is the protest and the rioting/looting?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
Per Huffington Post (not known as a leading right wing media outlet) the five most violent cities in America are:
1. Detroit
2. Oakland
3. Memphis
4. St Louis
5. Cleveland
I do not have time to look into this but it would be interesting to see the racial makeup of the cities and compare that to the poverty level of each.
I do know I do not wish to live in any of the five.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
The three states with the highest rates of violent crimes are -

1. Tennessee 75% white, 16% black

You whitey-boys are some violent mutthafukkahs.

Not sure what point you are trying to make here??

Only 16% black in Tennessee but commit nearly half the crime at a whopping 40% clip..


Forum Member
Dec 28, 2014
Never mind after reading further down I see Lowell has already taken out the garbage


Just Duff being an idiot again along with Butt Blaster, FDChump, KingOfBullshit and the rest of the Low Info Voters that put incompetent lib trash in political power.
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