With St. Louis averaging 40 + points per outing,I think 10 makes the G.B. loyal very happy,getting the Double Digits (WOW).Now the Rams are the REAL deal and will play their "A" game,prove to Philly what they are going to face. This is an easy call ,Rams by 22,Final Score ,Rams 42 G.B.20.
They will go out do their business and wait for their next victim.
Vastly improved "D" and awesome "O" make for a FOCUSED Ram team,no screwing around this year..
Luck to all.Spanky...
Really played alot on the UNDER in Raven game,just going to look at that 31 1/2 now. Ifigured they would combine for 25 yesterday,so close enough.Could possibly see similar in Pitt. this weekend.Anybody "done " this game in good fashion yet ??Let me know what you see so far,thanks.....