Rant About Pro Athletes & L0sers

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Nov 18, 2006
i was thinking about something that kindve pisses me off when it comes to alot of professional sports esp. football & basketball

what's up with all the inconsistent teams that you cant trust to go from one week to the next

out of all the teams in nfl , ncaa , nba whatever
it seems like there are very few actual professionals of theyre sport

you can usually tell which group is the best group of talent and usually theyll have one of the top records to .... but there are alot of other teams that have talent but it seems like they dont know how to use it or how to be consistent and stay confident ....
right when you think you have a team figured out
, you think theyve finally grown up as a group ...
then they take a shit and lose to some 2nd rate team and the only reason you can assume why they would lose is because they were not mentally prepared ....

i dont see how some of these guys got drafted with the way they play , there are very few "playmakers" IMO & the rest of the others dont really do shit

they drop balls that should be caught,miss blocks like theyre takin a fukn nap and make dumbass throws , so my question is .... why cant they understand that all they have to do is beat the man in front of them .... it doesnt seem as alot of the players take it seriously , or even care that they suck , i dont know if its that they get lazy once they go pro or what but i think all of us would make better pro athletes than some of these tools that play pro sports !!!

wheres my million bitch , ill make 2 layups or catch a fukn ball once a game and take that shit straight to the bank

ok im done , sorry , im high , time to go to bed
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