Raymond, give it a rest, for crying out loud.

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Now, it's not my forum, and I always enjoyed bantering back and forth and having fun, but posting all these video links one by one is just ridiculous. Everyone is free to do what they want, but this kind of crap is going to continue to kill a forum I like participating in, and is already driving people away.

Maybe that's what you and your new buddies want, I dunno. Do you really think anyone except you, skulnik and hedgehog actually click on all of this clutter?

All in my opinion, of course. I don't care which side of the fence, this just kills a forum. :00x16


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Now, it's not my forum, and I always enjoyed bantering back and forth and having fun, but posting all these video links one by one is just ridiculous. Everyone is free to do what they want, but this kind of crap is going to continue to kill a forum I like participating in, and is already driving people away.

Maybe that's what you and your new buddies want, I dunno. Do you really think anyone except you, skulnik and hedgehog actually click on all of this clutter?

All in my opinion, of course. I don't care which side of the fence, this just kills a forum. :00x16

This kind of thread is bad for the forum, you should worry more about personal attacks on posters instead.

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
With any courtesy or common sensibility by a few posters, there would be no NEED for a thread like this, but... well...


The sad thing is, skul, it's impossible to just ignore all the crap at this point. It's impossible to locate actual discussion threads, where people actually talk about things. Seriously, man, if all we wanted to do was click on youtube vids, we'd just sit on youtube all day. Some seem to do that for half the day now, and just post in here the other half, all the links they found when searching for rip-Obama-and-all-dem-things there.

You mentioned that you don't like to type and that the vids tell the story for you. Maybe this isn't your cup of tea? I mean, it's Message Posting board, not a video site, for crying out loud. JMO, FWIW.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
All you liberals are crying now, but when the shoe was on the other foot and you all were bashing Bush it was okay. :rolleyes:

All liberals want to do is dish it out, they can't take it, keep posting videos Raymond and Skulnik we have to educate them.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
All you liberals are crying now, but when the shoe was on the other foot and you all were bashing Bush it was okay. :rolleyes:

All liberals want to do is dish it out, they can't take it, keep posting videos Raymond and Skulnik we have to educate them.

Whenever you guys want to post something of substance I will have no problems discussing.

Until then ray is just spamming the forum.

If the best you got is to throw up stupid youtube links than really you have nothing.

There is plenty of stuff that you can find wrong about what Obama is doing, but you are either too lazy or dumb to bring it up.
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Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
All you liberals are crying now, but when the shoe was on the other foot and you all were bashing Bush it was okay. :rolleyes:

All liberals want to do is dish it out, they can't take it, keep posting videos Raymond and Skulnik we have to educate them.

We had reason to bash Bush. We weren't bashing him because he was white. He fucked up every month. Almost everything you bring to the board is BS. You have missed opportunities.


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
We had reason to bash Bush. We weren't bashing him because he was white. He fucked up every month. Almost everything you bring to the board is BS. You have missed opportunities.

we have good reason also , like spending :shrug:
you don't spend money went your in hole

obama lies about everything, were all the proimse:shrug:

there still 2 wars going on, he was going to bring the troops home in 6 months:mj07:

he took over the banks and the car business
now health care,

you don't want big brother your business:sadwave: very bad move

and yes its ok for the rats to bash the last 8 years , but now the shoe on the other foot
its not , bunch of pussy as murph would say:mj07:

the amercian people are mad , and we are going to take our country back:mj06:

the people are losing there jobs at a record pace
bussiness are doing bad , people still our losing their houses

our kids are being rob of there american dream

we not going to take it no more

now go rat me now to the whitehouse:142smilie
no to obama care:mj06: no to more taxes
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
There are plenty of reasons to bash Obama. There are a lot of things to discuss. Like we used to discuss WMD, Oil prices and Iraq and all kinds of things in here. Lately it has become too hard to discuss anything.

Too much spamming. Too much stupid crap. I still check in because these things tend to run in cycles.

Without naming names things have gotten out of control in here.
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Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
There are plenty of reasons to bash Obama. There are a lot of things to discuss. Like we used to discuss WMD, Oil prices and Iraq and all kinds of things in here. Lately it has become too hard to discuss anything.

Too much spamming. Too much stupid crap. I still check in because these things tend to run in cycles.

Without naming names things have gotten out of control in here.


1800 -RATS ARE US:tongue


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
It's not because it's a rep or a dem in the white house, it's because it messes up a forum, plain and simple. You THREE (Ray, Skul & Hedge) like all the single post Youtube links) and that's pretty much it. I note you are the only three defending it, which proves my point.

Other conservatives here know what I'm saying is true, and have ripped dem supporters for doing the same thing, and for putting up tinfoil hat conspiracy threads ad nauseum, which I agree with and have before.

So, not only are you guys wrong, you are missing the point. Which is nothing new. Is there a youtube video link to someone saying something wrong? Maybe that would help you.

We've several here post that you have good reason to bash Obama. I agree with that. Just not with 10 one line Youtube links every day. So, again, your point is wrong. But go ahead and keep telling yourself you are right. I guess believing in being a righty makes you right on anything, in your minds... :rolleyes:


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
It's not because it's a rep or a dem in the white house, it's because it messes up a forum, plain and simple. You THREE (Ray, Skul & Hedge) like all the single post Youtube links) and that's pretty much it. I note you are the only three defending it, which proves my point.

Other conservatives here know what I'm saying is true, and have ripped dem supporters for doing the same thing, and for putting up tinfoil hat conspiracy threads ad nauseum, which I agree with and have before.

So, not only are you guys wrong, you are missing the point. Which is nothing new. Is there a youtube video link to someone saying something wrong? Maybe that would help you.

We've several here post that you have good reason to bash Obama. I agree with that. Just not with 10 one line Youtube links every day. So, again, your point is wrong. But go ahead and keep telling yourself you are right. I guess believing in being a righty makes you right on anything, in your minds... :rolleyes:

there is no rule against posting videos is there? If so where is it written:shrug: Our government is out of control and the best way to back it up is with videos. I can sit here and debate all day, but I am not that patient. When Bush was in office the last 8 years everytime I looked in Politics it was something negative about him and it pissed me off, did I go to the powers that be and complain? No until a poster said some really bad things about my daughter. Now the shoe is on the other foot and all you democrats are crying. :cry: All you democrat backers like to dish it out but can't seem to take it:rolleyes:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
the best way to back it up is with videos

That is not true hedge, your #1 method is listening to Rush Limbaugh. Then you come running into this forum blabbling Rush's talking points - as if they were your own ideas.

I too enjoyed discussion in this forum. It is pretty much gone now. There are many concerns. I have been writing my senators and representative much more these days. Something everyone should be doing.

Maybe your senators would enjoy a couple of hundred videos.



Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
It's not because it's a rep or a dem in the white house, it's because it messes up a forum, plain and simple. You THREE (Ray, Skul & Hedge) like all the single post Youtube links) and that's pretty much it. I note you are the only three defending it, which proves my point.
I agree Chad. I enjoy a mix of political discussion and humor but when 17 of the top 20 threads listed are Youtube links (as they were when I checked in last night), well... the forum's pretty much jumped the shark at that point.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
there is no rule against posting videos is there? If so where is it written:shrug: Our government is out of control and the best way to back it up is with videos. I can sit here and debate all day, but I am not that patient. When Bush was in office the last 8 years everytime I looked in Politics it was something negative about him and it pissed me off, did I go to the powers that be and complain? No until a poster said some really bad things about my daughter. Now the shoe is on the other foot and all you democrats are crying. :cry: All you democrat backers like to dish it out but can't seem to take it:rolleyes:

Best way to back it up is videos? WTF....how about original thought and solutions to the problem?

I beg to differ: you arent that patient OR SMART!

BTW our government has been outta control for quite a long time now, but beings its NOT a republican, ONLY NOW do you decide to bitch about it. Get real.......are you telling me since January the world has been turned upside down and inside out? Its been going on for way longer then that.....:sleep:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I've been arguing with myself now for a couple days about arguing with you guys about this. Obviously, it doesn't make any difference, because I'm arguing with people that can't discuss things because:

? They don't have the patience
? They don't like to type
? The videos say things that they can't put into words because they aren't intelligent enough to

And those three things pretty much sum up the people I'm arguing with. It's not a rip, it's just a fact.

So, I'll help everyone out, and give up the fight, because I just don't care about arguing with those kinds of people. I try to give people credit and engage them in conversation, but that's just me - it's not what everyone should do, for various reasons. So, it goes...

Time to put people on ignore, because I'm tired of complaining about people and cluttering up the forum with my complaining.

Cheers. I'll keep Ray alive, for now, because after years, I understand where he's coming from. Skulnik and Hedge are officially on ignore for me (if I can figure out how), and can have free run of the forum, as far as I'm concerned. Good luck to you both... Cheers! :mj06:


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
I've been arguing with myself now for a couple days about arguing with you guys about this. Obviously, it doesn't make any difference, because I'm arguing with people that can't discuss things because:

? They don't have the patience
? They don't like to type
? The videos say things that they can't put into words because they aren't intelligent enough to

And those three things pretty much sum up the people I'm arguing with. It's not a rip, it's just a fact.

So, I'll help everyone out, and give up the fight, because I just don't care about arguing with those kinds of people. I try to give people credit and engage them in conversation, but that's just me - it's not what everyone should do, for various reasons. So, it goes...

Time to put people on ignore, because I'm tired of complaining about people and cluttering up the forum with my complaining.

Cheers. I'll keep Ray alive, for now, because after years, I understand where he's coming from. Skulnik and Hedge are officially on ignore for me (if I can figure out how), and can have free run of the forum, as far as I'm concerned. Good luck to you both... Cheers! :mj06:



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I've been arguing with myself now for a couple days about arguing with you guys about this. Obviously, it doesn't make any difference, because I'm arguing with people that can't discuss things because:

? They don't have the patience
? They don't like to type
? The videos say things that they can't put into words because they aren't intelligent enough to

And those three things pretty much sum up the people I'm arguing with. It's not a rip, it's just a fact.

So, I'll help everyone out, and give up the fight, because I just don't care about arguing with those kinds of people. I try to give people credit and engage them in conversation, but that's just me - it's not what everyone should do, for various reasons. So, it goes...

Time to put people on ignore, because I'm tired of complaining about people and cluttering up the forum with my complaining.

Cheers. I'll keep Ray alive, for now, because after years, I understand where he's coming from. Skulnik and Hedge are officially on ignore for me (if I can figure out how), and can have free run of the forum, as far as I'm concerned. Good luck to you both... Cheers! :mj06:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Not a surprise that these guys were all Bush supporters.But now that there is a real chance to discuss what Obama is doing. And from what I see most disagree. Yiu guys are running everybody from the forum. Hell, you should of done that when Bush was ruining the country.