MJ - I know you closed the thread and probably for good reason, and feel free to close of delete this one as well, but I have someting to say and as most of you know, I've pretty passionate when I have something I wanna get off my chest. The following is not a bash against anybody, instead it's a little insight on what I think this forum is about
So, Raymond posted his service plays after the fact. My take on this is: BIG F'IN DEAL!!......Some of you guys just don't get it and I've pretty much came to the conclusion, you never will. This site is NOT about posting winners. Sure, winners are nice and very satisfying short term. But, the true value in this site is it's long-term effect. Some of you have absolutely closed yourselves off to the opportunity to LEARN. Once you do that, you are finished. One of my favorite lines: "The guy who knows everything, knows nothing.".....The same holds true in the arena of sports betting. I've been gambling close to 15 years and I learn something new EVERY DAY. gsp's post hit the nail right on the head. It's not about "missing" a play that might have been given out (service play or not). If Ray had given that play out before hand, and everybody held out their hand and TOOK, we'd all be happy for the day. But what about tommorow, and the next day. What then? Sit around and wait for more winners from others? Instead of bitching and complaining, how bout going back and taking a look at WHY the Mets were the play. I mean, after all, all the info was there if you looked yourself. Ray wasn't privvy to any inside information that we weren't.
Personally, I learn (again, I LEARN) much, much more from my losses than I do from my wins. When I lose a game that I have capped, I want to know WHY. Where did I go wrong and more importanly, what can I do to cut the error level down. Alot of people just bitch and moan and lay out a "Mussina Sucks!"......Well, I don't think anybody is happy with a loss. I know I'm not. BUT, after I'm done with the initiall blow to my bank roll, I don't turn on Hogan's Hero's. I take a look at the play again AFTER the fact and, by god, there is usually something in there that I can use down the road to make myself better at my art. Some of you should really think about giving it a shot.........you just might surprise yourself.
So, Raymond posted his service plays after the fact. My take on this is: BIG F'IN DEAL!!......Some of you guys just don't get it and I've pretty much came to the conclusion, you never will. This site is NOT about posting winners. Sure, winners are nice and very satisfying short term. But, the true value in this site is it's long-term effect. Some of you have absolutely closed yourselves off to the opportunity to LEARN. Once you do that, you are finished. One of my favorite lines: "The guy who knows everything, knows nothing.".....The same holds true in the arena of sports betting. I've been gambling close to 15 years and I learn something new EVERY DAY. gsp's post hit the nail right on the head. It's not about "missing" a play that might have been given out (service play or not). If Ray had given that play out before hand, and everybody held out their hand and TOOK, we'd all be happy for the day. But what about tommorow, and the next day. What then? Sit around and wait for more winners from others? Instead of bitching and complaining, how bout going back and taking a look at WHY the Mets were the play. I mean, after all, all the info was there if you looked yourself. Ray wasn't privvy to any inside information that we weren't.
Personally, I learn (again, I LEARN) much, much more from my losses than I do from my wins. When I lose a game that I have capped, I want to know WHY. Where did I go wrong and more importanly, what can I do to cut the error level down. Alot of people just bitch and moan and lay out a "Mussina Sucks!"......Well, I don't think anybody is happy with a loss. I know I'm not. BUT, after I'm done with the initiall blow to my bank roll, I don't turn on Hogan's Hero's. I take a look at the play again AFTER the fact and, by god, there is usually something in there that I can use down the road to make myself better at my art. Some of you should really think about giving it a shot.........you just might surprise yourself.