Read+Respond, WTF, idiocy..lunacy

Its Gravy

Forum Member
Jan 18, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
supposedly there were between 45-90 passengers on each of the 4 planes that crashed. There was between 3-6 terrorists on each plane, ONLY ARMED WITH KNIVES AND BOX CUTTERS! The passengers outnumbered at the least 6:1, WTF, I just dont understand why they didnt grow the balls to overwhelm these terrorists, armed with NO GUNS. Cmon, hmm 90 passengers and maybe 5 terrorists with knives....I just can't believe this. I mean this is a horrible tragedy and I feel for everyone and I expect some serious repercussions exacted against the likely suspects. Still I find it hard to believe to find that the all of the passengers cowered in the presence of very few terrorists armed with knives....I suppose they thought that things would turn out alright and....what happened was not expected...

Also, why did the plane even get close to the Trade Centers, anyone responsible in the planes would or better yet should have realize the dire straits the "jihad" was under and forcibly cause the plane to crash elsewhere, thus ending their lives of 45-90, but sparing the lives of 50,000 plus.

Your thoughts and comments are Welcome.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I thought the same thing, but then thought this scenario. They over power the stewardess and then go in the cockpit. Once they overpower the pilots who are strapped in, they lock themselves in the cockpit and nothing can be done. I'm not sure if cockpits can be locked, but I would guess they can be.

My friend, DTB, proposed this to me. What's to say that fourth plane in Pennsylvania wasn't shot down before it could reach it's destination?

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Many many possibilities........
Along with the presence of knives/boxcutters most likely they could have stated they had a bomb or some type of explosive device.
Anthing is possible.

And surely the scumbags flew the plane into the buildings themselves, after offing the pilots or in the case of the "Pentagon plane" hearded them into the rear of the plane.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
That was my thought exactly. You can be sure that if I was on a plane headed for death, I'd fight back to the death. However, I doubt that any of the passengers felt their lives were endanger. There have been few fatalities involved with hijacked planes. I'm guessing they all sat on their hands because they thought they were not in danger of losing their lives. I hope that was the reason.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
six five,

Regulations state cockpits must be locked at all times.
At NO time especially during hijackings will the door be opened.
Being a frequent flier and x-employee of a major airline rarely are the doors locked.


Cannabis Sativa
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2001
inside your head
what I don't understand (in addition to the above comments) is the plane that turned south around Albany. It traveled for approx 1/2 hour before hitting the WTC. Why was absolutely nothing done in this time??? They were able to track the path. I think the planes 'ID' dissappeared. This along with them not responding should have raised some flags. Even in a normal hijacking, they would have had some communication saying they were headed to Aruba or something. How come we did not get any planes up there to intercept? Stewart's airforce base is right here. It would have taken minutes to intercept the plane and see what was up. They could have tried to force them down and when they would not, shot them down in the Hudson before reaching the deadly destination. Even after the first plane hit the WTC, there was 18 mintes before # 2 hit. Still ample time to have a few jets in the area. They were there pretty fast after it was too late....

This really has me saying WTF. Perhaps some of the hardliners 'needed' something like this to happen to finally get our pansy ass govt to get off their asses and really address this ongoing problem of terrorism. Hopefully after this terrible tragedy, they will.
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