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Jul 31, 2000
Statement by Former U.S. Rep. Scott Klug

MADISON, WI ? Former U.S. Rep. Scott Klug today issued the following statement regarding John Kerry?s travel to Wisconsin:

"The fact that John Kerry has to come to Madison to shore up his base is an indication of how much trouble he is in here in Wisconsin.

?Kerry has no credibility attacking President Bush?s record when the President's pro-growth policies have helped create 47,400 new jobs in Wisconsin since the end of last year. Wisconsin's unemployment rate has dropped to 4.7 percent from 5.8 percent a year ago, but Kerry's agenda of job-killing taxes, increased regulation and more government spending would devastate our state's small businesses.

?Kerry wants to spend more Wisconsin money to create a taxpayer-funded 'Department of Wellness,' yet he opposes the President's medical liability reform plan to stop the frivolous lawsuits that are costing Americans as much as $108 billion each year. Wisconsin voters are not going to trust a man who voted five times for higher Medicare premiums and opposed the President's legislation that will guarantee affordable prescription drugs for Wisconsin seniors."
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