(Excerpt from the Ten Most Hated Men In Baseball.
8. Pete Rose (35 letters)
I can't believe that after all this time there is still a Pete Rose cult of personality.
To begin with, he's the most overrated professional athlete of all time.
Defensively, he was the Bobby Bonilla of his day.
He could play almost any position -- poorly.
As far as hitting goes, when he broke Ty Cobb's career hit record, Mickey Mantle reputedly observed, "Weren't most of them singles?"
Since Rose was banned from baseball, not one of his former teammates has spoken out in his defense. Not one. Why?
He was a selfish, arrogant jerk.
Everybody loves to point to his All-Star Game collision with Ray Fosse as an indication of what a "hard-nosed" player he was, but look at it more closely, and you'll see it was an indication of how dirty he was.
All he had to do was slide.
But he took out Fosse, even though Fosse wasn't obstructing the bag.
He ended the man's career for no reason.
He stayed on as a player manager so he could insert himself in meaningless games to pad his hits total.
When he was trying to break Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hit streak, he would bunt late in games in situation where a bunt was flagrantly inappropriate.
He wanted to get a hit -- who cared whether his team won?
Pete Rose's aggressive style rubbed some the wrong way.
Rose was voted to the All Century Team -- and Frank Robinson wasn't!!
Give me a guy who is fourth on the all-time homers list and won the World Series and the league MVP in both leagues over a guy who's claim to fame was that he would run to first when he was walked.
Robinson's teammates speak of the man with reverence, even awe.
They'd take a bullet for the man.
Rose's former teammates, on the other hand, would probably pull the trigger themselves ...
Jeffrey Staggs
Baltimore, Md.