was going to tell you another box story ... might as well tell it .. peter Weller the original robocop went to North Texas when I was there.. I think my sophomore year we had a friend who was in the university play " Merchant of Venice.... I went to one play my entire college career and we only went because my buddy was the set designer or small actor can't even remember but we came in late totally stoned and sat in row 2.. the lead actor was Peter Weller.. never heard of him again .. a few years later he gets the part of robocop...go see the movie and robocop looks familiar.. a year or two I'm reading the North Texas alumni magazine and there is an article about Peter Weller an NT grad that made it in Hollywood ..damn that was him we saw years ago
so when I saw this version thought wow .. but to my surprise that wasn't the real version pretty funny though I guess this scene was cut by the directors it was pretty graphic though :mj07:
of Venice...