Rendell voting for Clinton

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Feb 13, 2008
(CNN) ? Perhaps Ed Rendell's name can be officially scrapped from the list of potential VPs.

The Pennsylvania governor and fervent Hillary Clinton backer said Thursday he's planning to vote for the New York senator at the Democratic convention next week.

Rendell, who has been credited with helping to deliver his state to Clinton, told a Pennsylvania blog Monday that a vote for Clinton is not meant to show disunity.

"It honors the hard work of so many people who supported Sen. Clinton," he told PolitickerPA. "Many of the Pennsylvania delegates worked their heart out for Sen. Clinton, and they're excited to cast a vote for her. From my vantage point, that will be closure for them."

"Early on, I said I would cast my ballot for Sen. Clinton," he also said. "I'm going to cast my ballot for her, and then the moment I cast my vote, I'm going to continue to enthusiastically support Sen. Obama. It's going to be a good release for all of us."

Rendell has long said he would make a bad running mate, noting in an interview, "If I'm asked a question, I answer it and I tell the truth,? he said last February. "That probably isn't a good idea for someone who is the No. 2 on the ticket."