REPORT from craps playbtwo days at haarahs in AC NJ


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
WELL Guys this is tough #1 table is hard to throw dice from sides ir even from flats because of the hard plastic dividers.

MY $1000 strat bank was cut severly at 1st place rivers casino only about 3.5 miles from home GET this $25 min table you cannot bet hop 7's for less than $25 each any 7 minium is $10 omfg killed me loss $$350

OK held on to what was left fpr our stay over trip in harrahs N J stayed over another night strt bank was me $600 ......1st day i bet on any 7 come outs thank lord i did at laest 30 times they came out with a 7

$15 mimum table only 1 table going on mon so that $4 saved me over $300 hop 7's pay 15 -1 but the $2 is deducted to bet the other two 7's combos so thats no good

any way after two days i come home with $300 NO EATING anywhere inside casino no seating at restaurants either go outside to areas provided and you have to wait to get called by that time your food is ice cold.

SO now i wait for weekend go to parx or delware park casino when they are open 24 hours and with what i have in account plus my $175 unemployment start again.

I made great decsisons and bad ones 3 times betting the 5 6 8 and field got smoked with fast 7 outs

even on $10 table thats $10 $12 $ 12 $10 $44 gone in seconds

ONE time didnt place bet the 4 fugger made the point laid $30 $40 gone thats was all profits eraned from other shooters gone/.

Im saying it was so easy before without the dividers

NOW what do i do ok just have to refocus the do dont system works bet any 7 for $4 on $15 minmum table get back $16 just bet more on place bet and lay more on dp to cover that $4

THe carps game is turned to shit due to plastic dividers and the large upper shield where your head is makes it hard to toss dice because arm hits hit when i toss dice

one shooter was pushing dice out and he had to really push hard from the flat the table was huge more than 14 ft because it held 8 players 14 feet only 6 can play

I can shoot from stic right 1 & 2 but to throw around divider duck your head under that face shield is just uncomfy

another thing worse # on come out is 11 unreal 4 times in 1 hour i lost $10 DP and $3 hop 7's $13 gone X 4 is all profits $52 gone

one guy nest to me bet $15 instead of 10 but also bet the 7's and 11 and 12 he was only d p playing so it worked for awhile however couple shooters made 3 - 5 passes and killed him.

So i know i can win but now i have to pick my spots take shot with 5 6 8 n field get two wins and down just leave point up and DP

Then again get the streaks all 7 pouts all around even me on the hop 3 times 7 out only once i made 3 passes was on pass line gpoing with gut 7 out on the 4th [point was 9

couple shooters held diec forever i'm counting what i didnt win by not making place bets riding it out all the way just take wins no pressing one guy had nice tsss from stick left 1 i said after he 7 out on 6th pass great shot man

would have won at least $1000 +

he had to have held dice for 20 mins

Lets see all number placed $10 $10 $12 $10 $10 points was 8 so i win pass line plus the pay in odds back

each place bet was hit at laest 3 times or more 4 wins 18 X 3 =$54 5 wins $14 X 3 =$42 6 wins $14 times 3 $42 9 wins $14 X 3 = $42 10 wins 18$ x 3 = $54 add em up guys 54 + +42+42+42+54 ='s $234

X 4 = $936 just one shooter there was several more that did this making 3 4 5 passes

I made 3 7 out on 4th but only did the two ins with 5 6 8 field and off

so i did ok but cursed myself for making the bets n field at wrong times 3 or 4 times fast 7 outs

and not taking shots with shooters on a tear

o well have to figure out better betting def staying with hop 7's on 10$ table any 7 on $15

Craps system i put on hold until this fucking pandemic is lifted guess its back to work next year

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