Republicans and Fox news


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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Ok, changing the channel. Brit Hume is your guy on the right? Wow. No way he is an idiotic douche. He is so fun, and engaging. I just want to have a beer....with anyone but him.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this is how you act when you`re winning?....i`d hate to be around you when you lose...

you must be suffering from "electile dysfunction"...



Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
I never watch Fox, but tonight I turned them on.

Why are all they so old, fat, white, bald and stupid?

Oh, they are Republicans.

:mj07: :142smilie

Megan was pretty hot.

Shame they weren't all gay, perverted and fake. Just like you like 'em. :nono:

Then again, the repuiblicans are dead. 3rd party in 8 - 12 years????


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Microcosm of Fox News...Brit Hume takes over the reporting of events on "Special" Report w/Brit Hume...a full 15 minutes of discussing the Republican events of the day, before a mention that the Dems were also having some events...:rolleyes:

The lead in to the dem segment teased a look at how the feminists are reacting to the race...:rolleyes:

And to wrap up the fair and balanced look at the events of the day on Brit's show, the panel included Bill Kristol, Mort Kondracke and Fred Barnes...:mj07:

Yeah, we're sure to get a fair and balanced view from that crew, eh? :mj07:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
To be fair, you'll never hear me criticize the hiring values of the female reporters and news readers on Faux News...whoever has that gig does a great job...Super Hotties Reporting on Super Tuesday...


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Do they even say fair and balanced anymore. When all else fails sell sex. Then the best would be in the a:m on headline news. Robin She's really hot and not just another skinny blond.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Microcosm of Fox News...Brit Hume takes over the reporting of events on "Special" Report w/Brit Hume...a full 15 minutes of discussing the Republican events of the day, before a mention that the Dems were also having some events...:rolleyes:

The lead in to the dem segment teased a look at how the feminists are reacting to the race...:rolleyes:

And to wrap up the fair and balanced look at the events of the day on Brit's show, the panel included Bill Kristol, Mort Kondracke and Fred Barnes...:mj07:

Yeah, we're sure to get a fair and balanced view from that crew, eh? :mj07:


what's the story ?

i don't get it almost every other post by you is a criticism of fox news....why not watch another news channel ?.....:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I'll give em something to cry :cry: about AR
Especially with DJV and his "What about ABC NBC
Wonder if Fox puts any pressure on CNN to ax Their Most trusted Claim--:mj07:

Americans Slam News Media on Believability
Tue Jan 8, 2008

FAIRFIELD, Conn., Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A Sacred Heart University
Poll found significantly declining percentages of Americans saying they
believe all or most of media news reporting. In the current national poll,
just 19.6% of those surveyed could say they believe all or most news media
reporting. This is down from 27.4% in 2003. Just under one-quarter, 23.9%, in
2007 said they believe little or none of reporting while 55.3% suggested they
believe some media news reporting.

"The fact that an astonishing percentage of Americans see biases and
partisanship in their mainstream news sources suggests an active and critical
consumer of information in the U.S.," stated James Castonguay, Ph.D.,
associate professor and chair of SHU's Department of Media Studies & Digital
Culture. "The availability of alternative viewpoints and news sources through
the Internet no doubt contributes to the increased skepticism about the
objectivity of profit-driven news outlets owned by large conglomerates," he

The perception is growing among Americans that the news media attempts to
influence public opinion -- from 79.3% strongly or somewhat agreeing in 2003
to 87.6% in 2007.

And, 86.0% agreed (strongly or somewhat) that the news media attempts to
influence public policies -- up from 76.7% in 2003.

Americans surveyed provided poor ratings for the national news media on six
different characteristics measured. The average overall positive rating across
all six characteristics measured was 33.4%. The highest positive rating,
40.7%, was recorded for quality of reporting followed by accuracy of reporting
at 36.9% and keeping any personal bias out of stories (33.3%).

Other low positive ratings included: fairness (31.3%), presenting an even
balance of views (30.4%) and presenting negative and positive news equally

"Americans know bias and imbalance when they see it and they don't like it.
When most service organizations strive for consumer satisfaction ratings in
the high eighties to low nineties, an overall positive rating of 40.7% is
dismal," said Jerry C. Lindsley, director of the Sacred Heart University
Polling Institute. He added, "Americans know that it's just not that hard to
present both sides and keep personal bias at home."

By four-to-one margins, Americans surveyed see The New York Times (41.9% to
11.8%) and National Public Radio (40.3% to 11.2%) as mostly or somewhat
liberal over mostly or somewhat conservative.

By a three-to-one margin, Americans see news media journalists and
broadcasters (45.4% to 15.7%) as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or
somewhat conservative.

And, by a two-to-one margin, Americans see CNN (44.9% to 18.4%) and MSNBC
(38.8% to 15.8%) as mostly or somewhat liberal over mostly or somewhat

Just Fox News was seen as mostly and somewhat conservative (48.7%) over mostly
or somewhat liberal (22.3%).

The most trusted national TV news organizations, for accurate reporting, in
declining order included:
Fox News (27.0%),
CNN (14.6%),
and NBC News
These were followed by ABC News (7.0%), local news (6.9%), CBS News
(6.8%) MSNBC (4.0%), PBS News (3.0%), CNBC (0.6%) and CBN (0.5%).
In 2003, CNN led Fox News on "trust most for accurate reporting" 23.8% to


-- Jerry C. Lindsley, director, Sacred Heart University Polling Institute
-- James Castonguay, Ph.D., associate professor and chair, Sacred Heart
University's Department of Media Studies & Digital Culture

To speak with these experts, please contact Funda Alp at 203-396-8241 or

How the Poll Was Conducted
The Sacred Heart University Polling Institute completed 800 interviews with
residents nationwide between November 26 - December 5, 2007. The sample was
generated proportional to population contribution in all 50 states.
Statistically, a sample of 800 completed telephone interviews represents a
margin for error of +/-3.5% at a 95% confidence level.

About Sacred Heart University
Sacred Heart University, the second-largest Catholic university in New
England, offers more than 40 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs on
its main campus in Fairfield, Connecticut, and satellites in Connecticut,
Luxembourg and Ireland. Approximately 5,800 students attend the University's
four colleges: Arts & Sciences; Education & Health Professions; University
College; and the AACSB-accredited John F. (Jack) Welch College of Business.
The Princeton Review includes SHU in its "Best 366 Colleges: 2008," U.S. News
& World Report's "America's Best Colleges 2008" ranks SHU among the best
master's universities in the North, and Intel rates it #11 among the nation's
most "unwired" campuses. SHU fields 32 division I athletic teams, and has an
award-winning program of community service.

For additional Sacred Heart University news, please visit

SOURCE Sacred Heart University Polling Institute


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
AR, I watch all the news channels from time to time, just commenting here in a thread about Fox News. I do comment on them quite a bit, as they are routinely defended and mentioned by both sides of the usual debates. I probably watch them more often than others, because I think I learn more from listening to opposing viewpoints and thinking than from similar ones to my own. With Fox, I can quickly catch up on the conservative talking points and get ready for the next day here at MJ's.

I will say that sometimes what I see on Fox and by listening to conservative arguments, it will alter my perception, and sometimes change my mind. Not everything on Fox is the hotties for instance. They can much better convince me, than say, Sean or Billy.

I would submit that most of the time when I post on Fox, it is in response to a liberal media comment, or on a Fox topic. Maybe not...I guess it's every other post, depending on who you ask?:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
FWIW Chad I am no fan of Fred or Mort either and deem them both idiots.

I like Britt and tune in almost nightly--to see who is on with Mort and Fred--if its Charles Krauthammer or someone I like-I will watch-- if Fred and Mort and the regular NPR person I will change channel--also depends on topic.

Same with Oreilly-depends on guests and topics.

--by the way they just added a new face to Fox--last night was 1st appearance-

Lets here a big welcome for---------Karl Rove :SIB

That should make every liberals day :)


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000

it's no big deal.

maybe i should have directed my post at jw since he started it.i just don't get it. why do people (steveid & smurphy used to do it also) constantly criticize fox over & over again but keep on watching it.what's the facination with watching something that you don't like ?

i have a more important question...why do about 95% of the female newspeople on fox have blond hair ?...not that i'm complaining about it, but it is curious..


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wayne, I confess, I do enjoy the battles on O'Reilly sometimes...he can change his tune when he knows he's in a battle with someone who can hold their own - and I can give him credit at times for some of his comments. Not so for me with Hannity, who staunchly refuses to bend one inch and is incredibly obstinate and controlling. I think both throw around the labels far too much, but that happens on all the shows, Olbermann, etc.

I would also say, those guys are pretty interesting and entertaining, which is part of the appeal - they make it all seem important, when it isn't always.

AR, now you've gone too far. You can criticize me for what I do and say, but lay off the liberal use of blondes on Fox. That is a deal breaker for me...long live the hot blondes!!!

As for Rove, I have a feeling he is not going to be that great a commentator. He's spent so much time avoiding issues, that it will take him time to step up. Some of these guys don't translate that well, he strikes me as a non-excitement kind of guy.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
true on Rove Chad--he sure didn't have anything of insight last night other than Mccain wasted his time watching super bowl in Mass which got him zilch--I might add I hate gibson on Fox also as you will note this hour is usually my internet time--with no TV :)
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