Respect to Nation 30 and Volfan

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Nov 29, 2003
There is a lot of I don't know whether its jealousy or animosity or what running around here.
Sure, they and others that post here are a pay service and they care about money- but so what?
If you don't like their picks or think that it's a conflict of interest for them to post here, then disregard their posts.
I think they (and others) are good cappers- I have stated this on here before.
Volfan- for the future-don't be so quick to dismiss this forum just because there are a couple of jerks who comment. I don't know Vol or anyone else on this forum personally or if they are shady or not- What I do know is over the years Volfan, N30, Thunder, Raymond, Box, etc. are consistent winners. I also know that this should be an open forum for advice, info, and picks, and in the way that N30 responded to his detractors- he doesn't seem so bad.


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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
As far as I'm concerned, here is what I posted in another thread.

Volfan/Nation30 - Regarding your service, I would hope that you use closing lines (or close to it) to grade your plays, rather than these overnight "local" lines that have been posted for years. It's no longer about winning or losing to please the masses, It's all about the customer. In the long run, it's much better to take a loss on a number that "most" of your customers get than to grade it on a personal or local line and call it a win.

This was nothing more than a piece of advice. There is absolutely no animosity involved. You simply cannot use shaded lines anymore when you become a service.

Also, being a service and posting plays in a public posting forum DO NOT MIX. One only needs to look at the flack that Fletch, Thunder, Raymond, etc have received by doing so. The facts remain that if you post service plays on a posting forum, you are screwing your customers. If you post anything less than what would qualify as a "service" play, you piss off the posting forum, opening up a big old can of worms.

I am not preaching here. This is MY opinion and I stand by it 100%. This opinion didn't come out of the clear blue sky. It is from years of watching people make the move from public forums to service and try to balance the two. One only needs to look at the BS they guys that have tried have had to endure. Nation30 replied "I do not believe that they dont mix. In fact, I would go so far as to say, you cant have one without the other.........." Well, if your main source of advertising is posting at Madjacks, I can see his point. Otherwise I see no connection. Certainly, he's not stating that you can't post if you aren't a service?

The last part was nothing more than sharing my own personal experience. Others may have a different one. I ended by saying, " For those that choose to do so, I offer no ill will, just good luck in walking this very very thin line." Again, I wish those that try (without animosity) all the luck in the world.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


Just an opinion. There seem to be cycles in gambling. Bookie years, Gambler years, and Break even years. You will see more posted records during Gambler years. Just an observation.

Keep it Positive, Topdog
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Oct 16, 2000
Boston, Ma. USA
Again if you don't like their plays, or if you think their plays suck, then fade them, it's that simple. People are jealous that thunder,ray, etc had the balls to start a pay service, which is a very tough business.

IMO,if they don't want to post their records, who cares, unless your paying for their picks. People are so fawcking lazy and coatail cappers, but when they lose they rip the shit out of them:shrug:

If you've been around this forum for any length of time I can guarantee that they have made you some $$$$ for free!!

This shit is getting very tired.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
how can you make such a "guarantee"?

books laugh their assess off on the way to the bank. at statements like that


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Apr 1, 2003
Too close to Wisconsin

Calling a guy a piece of garbage was out of line, plain and simple.

As far as guaranteeing they are consistent winners, you're right, since they don't post records, you probably can't. I can say that the plays I've followed from Ray, Thunder, Fletch and Vol have produced many more winners than losers. I can guarantee that and my books have not laughed once.
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