Reverse Racism

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jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
I was watching a news show (dont know if it was a right or left show) just yesteday and I hear dit reported that a fireman and a few colleagues were being denied a promotion, they reported on it and actually labeled and called this "act" reverse racism....someone please elaborate if you could on what is reverse racism


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
reverse racism
Discrimination or aggression directed towards the political majority (either a member or group of that majority or the majority in general).

Etymology: reverse + racismThe concept of reverse racism comes from the notion that racism is usually, or by definition, directed from the political majority to a political minority.

by definition.

not sure what the fawk that is about though


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
No such thing. It is either Racism or not. In general though the definition scott gave was good. An example would be Affrmative action. All things equal if a black man gets job because of his race, then this is by definition racism against the white man that was equally qualified thus reverse racism:shrug:
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Say Parlay
Forum Member
Well, yes, to be precise, there is no such thing as "Reverse-racism" since racism is prejudice toward ANY race, including a dominant one.

"Reverse-racism" is generally used to describe racism directed toward the majority or dominant "race" in a society.

"Reverse" implies a definite direction is the normal condition in racist beliefs--that whites are the typical racists, other are victims. Thus, using the expression "reverse racism" reinforces this silly idea; more thoughtful folks, who take pride in precision of thought and language, and say "anti-white racism" or "anti-white discrimination".

More deeply, the question is one of whether it's smart to use the techniques of racism to combat it in the hopes of fostering a racism-free color-blind society.

Stanley Fish wrote:

"In this country whites once set themselves apart from blacks and claimed privileges for themselves while denying them to others. Now, on the basis of race, blacks are claiming special status and reserving for themselves privileges they deny to others. Isn't one as bad as the other? The answer is no.....Reverse Racism is a cogent description of affirmative action only if one considers the cancer of racism to be morally and medically indistinguishable from the therapy we apply to it."

Similar acts do not make similar moral equivalences. You must also look at results to judge properly. Shove old lady over a cliff, or shove old lady out of way of speeding bus. It just doesn't do to say "shoving old ladies is bad".

Fish goes on:

"At this point someone will always say, "But two wrongs don't make a right; if it was wrong to treat blacks unfairly, it is wrong to give blacks preference and thereby treat whites unfairly." This objection is just another version of the forgetting and rewriting of history. The work is done by the adverb "unfairly," which suggests two more or less equal parties, one of whom has been unjustly penalized by an incompetent umpire."

Thomas Sowell just avoids this nearly unwinnable argument/conundrum and employs others points against affirmative action.


jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Ok guys we are in the same page, forstehing that cam to my mind is RACISM IS RACISM no matter who the fuck is spewing it, I thought it was distasteful for the news caster/station to even blurt that phrase out in broadcast, because to me it's like aknowledging the dDt that we do have and do deal with racism as a society...I know we do and some people will always want to be superior and alone with a need to dominate the ethnic world.