Right again ! Dam im good !

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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
I actually said 2 weeks guess 12 days falls under 2 weeks :)

A prophecy fulfilled
Cal Thomas (archive)

It took just 12 days from completion of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza before rockets started raining down on the Western Negev area from the now-unoccupied territory. The attacks late Friday might have occurred sooner had the terrorists not been preoccupied with torching synagogues and destroying flower-growing operations in Gaza that could have been used to produce income for Palestinian residents. Sadly, their hatred of all things Jewish prompted them to act against their self-interest.

(Late Sunday night, following crushing retaliatory attacks by Israel and threats from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of an even more massive response, Hamas announced that it was halting all attacks from the Gaza Strip. For now, perhaps, but given its history, one can safely bet, not for good.)

A Reuters story about the Israeli attacks on Saturday said, "The upsurge in violence was a blow to international hopes that the pullout could revive peacemaking." The concept of international "hopes" is founded on the false premise that peace is dependent only on Israel's behavior. Every time Israel offers concessions, withdrawals, confidence-building measures and other "good faith" gestures, the response is more terror, more death and no peace. Will there ever come a time when the United States and the international community concludes that forcing Israel into making unilateral concessions is not a prescription for peace, but a guarantee of more war?

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is facing a growing political challenge from former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, should have seen this coming because it has happened so many times before.

Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz promised a "crushing and unequivocal response" to the rocket attack. The Hamas terrorist group blamed Israel for an explosion at a Hamas rally Friday afternoon that killed 15 people, though the Palestinian Authority said it appeared to have been an accident caused by Hamas members carrying explosives in a crowded area. Hamas vowed to resist any raid in Gaza and called for attacks on Israel.

Continuing his denial of the obvious, the top U.N. envoy to the Middle East, Alvaro de Soto, told the Security Council last Friday that the "road map" remains the only realistic method for achieving peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Not exactly. The road map requires reciprocity. So far, Israel has been the only party doing the giving and the Palestinian-Hamas-Fatah side has been doing the taking and the killing. Why should they stop when violence is giving them what they want?

Commenting on Israel's withdrawal, but ignoring the continuing terrorist threat, de Soto said, "Forces of moderation have prevailed over those of extremism."

You could have fooled me!

After de Soto spoke, the Security Council approved a statement again calling on both sides to adhere to the Road Map and saying the Gaza pullout must be only one step toward further Israeli withdrawal and efforts to achieve a viable Palestinian state.

The "quartet" of the U.N., the United States, Russia and the European Union has succeeded only in pressuring Israel to give and give and give. Whatever pressure it has applied to the Palestinian-Hamas-Fatah side has produced no cessation of violence, no disarmament and, in fact, no concessions at all.

The frustrating part is that no one pays attention to the pronouncements of the terrorists. Hamas announced it would flood Gaza with its soldiers once Israel withdrew. Islamo-fascist clerics call for the annihilation of Israel and tell jihadists it is their religious duty to kill Jews and Christians. Our "friends," the Saudis and Egyptians allow this rhetoric to flow unimpeded from their mosques and in their government-run media. Meanwhile, the Bush Administration and its State Department sink deeper into denial and pretend the terrorists don't mean what they say. The terrorists trumpet their plans and then carry them out. After they have caused death and destruction, they promise to do it again. Objectives can't be made clearer than that.

Will a second coming of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister make a difference? Perhaps. He once told me he had learned a valuable lesson from his own concessions during the Clinton Administration. Netanyahu should tell Israelis and the world that if he again becomes Prime Minister he will not budge on more land concessions until the Palestinian-Hamas-Fatah side begins responding positively to all of Israel's concessions.

Having given so much and received nothing in return, it may now be too late to save Israel, but giving more without getting anything ensures Israel's extinction sooner, rather than later.


el hombre!
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2004
Marietta, GA
Yeah, I don't think it was much of a surprise, but is it really something to be that happy over? Christ, it's not like you picked winning lottery #s or something. :dizzy:
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
LUX said:
Yeah, I don't think it was much of a surprise, but is it really something to be that happy over? Christ, it's not like you picked winning lottery #s or something. :dizzy:

Yes, he seems very happy.

Once again, let's point out his inconsistency(he predictably never responded last time). He revels in his 'call' that Palestinians cannot be tamed, but feels that we should spend blood and dollars in Iraq trying to tame these exact same people.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I really have no problem with Israel dominating that region. It's too bad all those people gave up their homes because of what has got to be some kind of political game. Israel had to know it wouldn't solve anything. Maybe it's just more of a green light to take them out now.

Congrats on your big win, Palehose. Should have parlayed it with Baghdad police recruits getting suicide bombed.


el hombre!
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2004
Marietta, GA
kosar said:
Once again, let's point out his inconsistency(he predictably never responded last time). He revels in his 'call' that Palestinians cannot be tamed, but feels that we should spend blood and dollars in Iraq trying to tame these exact same people.

I can't figure that out either. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but then again, either does he sometimes.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
There's a rumor Israel has WMD's and the Arabs are just trying to find them to save the world from terrorist. I don't believe that.
No one goes to war looking for WMD's that are not there.


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
kosar said:
Yes, he seems very happy.

Once again, let's point out his inconsistency(he predictably never responded last time). He revels in his 'call' that Palestinians cannot be tamed, but feels that we should spend blood and dollars in Iraq trying to tame these exact same people.

Leave it to Kosar to say something this dumb The Palestinians are not the same people and I challenge to tell me whats different about them than the rest ????? ....I wont hold my breath because its not even in the realm of possibility you will figure this one out ....But hey I guess anything is possible . So funny !! One of the libs favorite lines is : "Dont paint with such a broad brush"

yet here we have Kosar using no brush at all just opening cans of paint and dumping them all over the place :mj07: :mj07: You are fabulous entertianment man that I have to give you credit for :mj07: :mj07:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Palehose said:
The Palestinians are not the same people

Really? That's all we hear from the chicken-hawks. Terrorists in Palestine. Terrorists in Iraq. Saddam paying off Palestinian familes. Same thing, all one big happy family!

Now please answer the question. You ignored it before and I suspect you will again.

Wayne at least *tried* to answer why he thought like that. It didn't make much sense, but he tried.

Why are the Palestinians hopeless while the terrorists in Iraq(there since 3/03) are workable?
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Palehose said:
yet here we have Kosar using no brush at all just opening cans of paint and dumping them all over the place :mj07: :mj07: You are fabulous entertianment man that I have to give you credit for :mj07: :mj07:

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

Is this some sort of comedy routine? All the Bush admin has done is paint everybody over there as terrorists, you know, citing 'fighting terrorism in Iraq.' Ummmm....there never used to be terrorists in Iraq, but that was reason number 212. But of course they'll come around since we want to shove a democracy up their ass.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Kosar just a second he will be back with the real reasons we had to go to Iraq. The rest of us have no idea.


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Jun 22, 2005
I knew you didnt have a chance in hell to tell me whats different about the Palestinians ! So funny you are ! How dumb can you be Kosar ...are you saying Bush stood up in front of America and said even though everybody in the ME is a terrorist but we are going to save them from an evil dictator anyways ??? Do you try to look stupid ? Or do you think everybody else is so dumb that their not going to notice that we just mobilized our military to help people in the ME that Bush dosent think are terrorists.... what is it gonna be ding dong ??

Good Greif what an idiot !

djv just pull up any of the 20 threads or so here that I gave my opinion on why we are there ...than again I dont have much faith you will even understand it ...but if you want to try go check it out .

Exactly where is your question Kosar ???? I look at your 1st 2 posts and see absolutrely 0 questions ???? than in the 3rd you say how come you didnt answer my question. Good greif man did you forget that you didnt ask one ? ...Really man get your head out of your ass !!!!! Does anyone see Kosar asking a question in his 1st 2 posts ?

What is appearent by your posts is you are compleately clueless about the people of the Mid East hence why I asked you what is the diferent about the Palestinians from the rest of the people in the Mid East and I can also say that it is common knowledge for someone with even the slightest clue about the ME ??
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
smurphy said:
I really have no problem with Israel dominating that region. It's too bad all those people gave up their homes because of what has got to be some kind of political game. Israel had to know it wouldn't solve anything. Maybe it's just more of a green light to take them out now.

Congrats on your big win, Palehose. Should have parlayed it with Baghdad police recruits getting suicide bombed.

I am an office pool kinda guy Murph :) I have way too much to loose and very little to gain from any real gambling :brows:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
kosar said:
Really? That's all we hear from the chicken-hawks. Terrorists in Palestine. Terrorists in Iraq. Saddam paying off Palestinian familes. Same thing, all one big happy family!

Now please answer the question. You ignored it before and I suspect you will again.

Wayne at least *tried* to answer why he thought like that. It didn't make much sense, but he tried.

Why are the Palestinians hopeless while the terrorists in Iraq(there since 3/03) are workable?

Again look at your post ...do you always ask why nobody will answer your question before you ask it show me in your post before this where you asked that question ????? Really man are you losing it ???

1st post no question : Nice call. Most people thought that the withdrawal would end the violence.

2nd post No question : Yes, he seems very happy.

Once again, let's point out his inconsistency(he predictably never responded last time). He revels in his 'call' that Palestinians cannot be tamed, but feels that we should spend blood and dollars in Iraq trying to tame these exact same people.

3rd post... 1st you ask why nobody answered your question ........you didnt ask one at that point in the thread . Than you finally ask a question which happens to be at that point the answer to the question asked of you , that you cant answer ! Good grief man get a grip ....You answer my question that was asked 1st than I will answer yours if thats not fair I dont know what is ???
Nice try on asking a question that will give you the answer to the question I asked ....really dont you want to try for yourself ??? :mj07:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Palehose said:
Leave it to Kosar to say something this dumb The Palestinians are not the same people and I challenge to tell me whats different about them than the rest ????? ....I wont hold my breath because its not even in the realm of possibility you will figure this one out ....But hey I guess anything is possible . So funny !! One of the libs favorite lines is : "Dont paint with such a broad brush"

yet here we have Kosar using no brush at all just opening cans of paint and dumping them all over the place :mj07: :mj07: You are fabulous entertianment man that I have to give you credit for :mj07: :mj07:

So answer my question here which came before any questions from you and if you get it right you will have the answer to your question how can we be any fairer than that ?????????????????


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
It was another thread where I originally asked that question and you ignored it. That's what I was referring to.

Whatever differences the Palestinians have compared to the rest of the region are irrelevant because they have the only thing that matters in common. A willingness and desire to kill in the name of 'religion.' Nothing that we do can change that, either in Palestine or Iraq or Iran or Syria, or anywhere else. You'd have to be a total idiot(no offense to you personally) and incredibly arrogant to think we will reverse and/or control mindsets that have been ingrained and solidified for centuries.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
kosar said:
It was another thread where I originally asked that question and you ignored it. That's what I was referring to.

Yes, he seems very happy.

Once again, let's point out his inconsistency(he predictably never responded last time). He revels in his 'call' that Palestinians cannot be tamed, but feels that we should spend blood and dollars in Iraq trying to tame these exact same people.
You'd have to be a total idiot(no offense to you personally) and incredibly arrogant to think we will reverse and/or control mindsets that have been ingrained and solidified for centuries.

Well at least I understand the question thing here because you just werent making sense ....Non the less the answer to yopur question lie's in my question .

Anyways here is the answer ...The Palestinians are the outcasts of there own people nobody wants them not even their own kind ...they are the poorest they are the weekest and have the least to loose .... Very much like our own country the poor have a much higher crime rate as compared to middle class America ...and why it makes sense that the Palestinians will always be the most violent and easiest to talk into strapping a bomb on themselves .

Now your talk about changing people from their religion is just plain stupid .... Chistianity is what some 300 to 500 years older than the Muslim religion ????? If what you say is true how can there be Muslims at all ???? look at Pakistan for hundreds of years they were devout Hindu's and not untill the muslims took the area by sword were there any Muslims there at all ? plz try to look at a little history before making such dumb comments IE :

Whatever differences the Palestinians have compared to the rest of the region are irrelevant because they have the only thing that matters in common. A willingness and desire to kill in the name of 'religion.' Nothing that we do can change that, either in Palestine or Iraq or Iran or Syria, or anywhere else.

Just the slightest bit of world history has proven this statement wrong 1000 times over and over again ....and let me give you a hint it will happen 1000 times more in the future its as sure as the sun will rise .
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