Ringing in ears - tinnitus

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wondering if any of you have sought medical help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears. I've had this going on for a few years now and just started looking into help for it. I've read there's not much you can do, but have seen a few things. Suggestions are to limit salt and caffeine intake (last ditch options for me - :facepalm: ) and that kind of thing. I also see earplug options, and guessing there are other ideas.

Anyone gone through this, and has anything worked to help?


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Chadman, I've had the same problem for years now. I've never looked at getting help for it but I do notice that it seems to get worse when I drink energy drinks so maybe the caffeine link is correct. It really seems to get better or worse depending on my diet.
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
Wondering if any of you have sought medical help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears. I've had this going on for a few years now and just started looking into help for it. I've read there's not much you can do, but have seen a few things. Suggestions are to limit salt and caffeine intake (last ditch options for me - :facepalm: ) and that kind of thing. I also see earplug options, and guessing there are other ideas.

Anyone gone through this, and has anything worked to help?

Have you had your hearing tested?


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yes, Jack, a while back. I have moderate hearing loss, more in one ear than another. Will need hearing aids soon - now, really, but need to figure things out. I just know I have tinnitus, kind of found out in that test, but I knew it from before. Years of DJ'ing and bars didn't help.

Moving this weekend, need to get set up there, and will start figuring some of this stuff out after that. Thanks for any info...
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Dirty Foot
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
You didn't mention whether or not you're taking any medications...
From the Mayo Clinic:

Medications that can cause tinnitus
A number of medications may cause or worsen tinnitus. Generally, the higher the dose of these medications, the worse tinnitus becomes. Often the unwanted noise disappears when you stop using these drugs. Medications known to cause or worsen tinnitus include:

Antibiotics, including polymyxin B, erythromycin, vancomycin and neomycin
Cancer medications, including mechlorethamine and vincristine
Water pills (diuretics), such as bumetanide, ethacrynic acid or furosemide
Quinine medications used for malaria or other health conditions
Certain antidepressants may worsen tinnitus
Aspirin taken in uncommonly high doses (usually 12 or more a day)


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I have it, and I've been thoroughly worked up for it which was a huge mistake. I do have hearing loss, and I was even offered hearing aids, but my hearing is not that bad. I only notice it when during conversation when there is background noise (loud tv, bar/social gathering, ball game, etc.).

Most of the time, tinnitus is idiopathic which means the doctor has no clue why you have it, and it's an inexact process for figuring it out which includes thousands of dollars for a bunch of tests that won't do much but just irradiate your body.

I have found no connection with foods or medication personally, and nothing has helped me. Both of mine ring constantly, and it sucks, but I have become somewhat accustomed to it.

The only time I would advise anybody to look into it is if is sudden and possibly a sign of an acute problem that needs to be addressed or if it is associated with vertigo, severe headache, or seizure.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I have it, and I've been thoroughly worked up for it which was a huge mistake. I do have hearing loss, and I was even offered hearing aids, but my hearing is not that bad. I only notice it when during conversation when there is background noise (loud tv, bar/social gathering, ball game, etc.).

Most of the time, tinnitus is idiopathic which means the doctor has no clue why you have it, and it's an inexact process for figuring it out which includes thousands of dollars for a bunch of tests that won't do much but just irradiate your body.

I have found no connection with foods or medication personally, and nothing has helped me. Both of mine ring constantly, and it sucks, but I have become somewhat accustomed to it.

The only time I would advise anybody to look into it is if is sudden and possibly a sign of an acute problem that needs to be addressed or if it is associated with vertigo, severe headache, or seizure.

Maybe you have been abducted by aliens and that is just feedback or radio noise.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Wondering if any of you have sought medical help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears. I've had this going on for a few years now and just started looking into help for it. I've read there's not much you can do, but have seen a few things. Suggestions are to limit salt and caffeine intake (last ditch options for me - :facepalm: ) and that kind of thing. I also see earplug options, and guessing there are other ideas.

Anyone gone through this, and has anything worked to help?

jeebus,i hope it`s not prostate related.......:SIB

///:lol: ...dude..how you doin`,btw?....hope all is well...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
btw pt II...i went through a bout of labyrinthitis in my younger days(i used to pop crossroads before playing sports and it ended up f-cking up my inner ear)....

a course of methylprednisone(medrol dosepak to be exact) cleared it right up....

your issue is probably different....might be worth a try ...maybe temporarily alleviate the symptoms?
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Thanks, everyone. Not taking any meds regularly, VaNurse. Wease, I've been ok - fine medically, but haven't been checked for a while. I was checked four follow up visits and was clean each time. It's been a rough year for me stuck down here in bumfrick southern MN, but am moving back to my hometown in Missouri this weekend to be with kids, grandkids, and great friends. I've learned a lot about myself over the past 2-3 years, and think I've learned what's really important. I know I should have been checked more recently, and will be doing that once I get set up down there. Just have been watching my funds like a hawk, and the whole deductible thing is a killer when you haven't deducted anything yet - ha. Thanks for the question. I've been so busy with teaching, coaching, and feeling sorry for myself that I haven't been on here too much. Can't wait to get back "home."

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Thanks, everyone. Not taking any meds regularly, VaNurse. Wease, I've been ok - fine medically, but haven't been checked for a while. I was checked four follow up visits and was clean each time. It's been a rough year for me stuck down here in bumfrick southern MN, but am moving back to my hometown in Missouri this weekend to be with kids, grandkids, and great friends. I've learned a lot about myself over the past 2-3 years, and think I've learned what's really important. I know I should have been checked more recently, and will be doing that once I get set up down there. Just have been watching my funds like a hawk, and the whole deductible thing is a killer when you haven't deducted anything yet - ha. Thanks for the question. I've been so busy with teaching, coaching, and feeling sorry for myself that I haven't been on here too much. Can't wait to get back "home."

more positive waves..


be great when we get to have your input again on a regular basis


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 28, 1999
deep south
had it about 15 years ago and it devoloped in meiner's diease. went from ringing in left ear to being dizzy and then throwing up and not able to stand up. would be ok after a few hours. next it went to having drop vertigo where you are walking along and like someone puts a rug out from under you. can happen at any time with no warning. as in supermarket and had a spell and hit my head on floor (thought world was spinning around) 10 stiches in forehead. people who saw me said i did not try to break the fall at all arms still at my side. had been checked for brain tumor, and all other things. after bad fall went to shea clinic in memphis and they checked me and said I needed an operation as was too advanced to treat with meds. proble was balance mart in my ear was filling up with fluid and causing me too lose my balance (they did not know why). went in behing my ear and put a shunt in to drain fluid to my spinal fluid.
after operation 14 years ago no more balance problems (still do not like to drive in mountains or across high bridges as blacking out with no warning is dangerous driving). have lost all hearing in left ear ringing stopped after operation but hearing in ear kept getting worse and now no hearing at all in left ear.
hope you can correct yours with pills as I still take 2 every day.
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