Robbed at Gamebookers/Moneybookers


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 5, 2000
Players and books/merchants beware, especially of Moneybookers. There customer service is wretched, there attention to this matter is cavalier, fraud has occurred and they act like they could care less. Below is a series of email correspondence over the past 2 weeks, I can't get anyone on the phone to discuss it and they won't call me to discuss it.

I believe this activity occurred by someone on the inside of these companies, as I never recieved auto email notification that a withdraw occurred, or transfer occurred on the $2000 going from Gamebookers to Moneybookers, or going from Moneybookers to the 2 email accounts which by the way is a front for hackers/fraud activty as it is a free email service governed by the laws of Israel, and the email service doesn't work it is just a front for someone to carry out these kind of activities. I am an undesirable player at Gamebookers, I had played there over the past couple years, after gettting lucky and having a winning bet on a long shot odds to win a specific PGA tourney, my limits were severely limited, I played sparingly thereafter, after this golf season ended I decided to withdraw the balance and close the account. Based on that Gamebookers/Moneybookers has acted like they don't care and I believe if I was a loser with them and they valued my play the following would not have occurred and if it had, they would of handled completely differently. Players and Merchants beware these companies are SCUM.

I hadn't used my account in a few months, I attempted
to log in to my Gamebookers account a couple weeks ago
and was having problems,after getting a new password
sent to me, I found out why. Someone
on oct 17th gained access to my account and withdrew
$2000 via a transfer to moneybookers. Then a series of
payouts was issued Nov 4th thru Nov 5th to unknown
persons. There is 3 payouts to a email address
"" and 1 to a "". I
have never given my login information to anyone and I
do not know how someone was able to accomplish this.
When I set up my moneybookers account a year or so
ago, I thought payouts are only issued to the
registered account holder at the registered address to
prevent anything like this from being possible to
occur. Please investigate this activity.

"Unfortunately we have
> no power to act further on this issue, since the
> moneybookers system is out of our jurisdiction and
> access"

It is my understanding that Gamebookers owns
Moneybookers, The software is identical, the mailing
addess in London is identical, so I feel Gamebookers
has some responsibility for Moneybookers. In my past
dealings with Gamebookers/Moneybookers, security
seemed to be a very important issue to your companies,
however policies you have in place are not in line
with this. An unauthorized user somehow got my
username/password to GB and MB and was able to
transfer money from GB to MB and then the money stayed
in MB for 17 days. Other sportsbooks and money
transfer systems (neteller) send me an email when a
deposit/withdraw/transfer has occurred and when the
password has been changed, it states if you did not do
this please contact us immediately. Gamebookers
doesn't do this nor Moneybookers, if I had recieved an
auto notice that my password was changed at GB, that a
withdrawl occured at GB, if a transfer was completed
at MB, then I would have instantly contacted you guys
and I think this could have been resolved with out
either party being injured, as the money was there for
17 days, before the unauthorized $ transfers occurred,
but I had no notification that any of the above
occured and I didnt log in to either GB or MB in that
timeframe. I think because of these very lax security
procedures that MB/GB should take responsibilty for
this fraud that occurred and also do investigating
into the IP address/locations, attempt to identify the
unauthorized users and help gathering info to bring
legal charges against them for theft and identity
theft. This is a very serious issue, much bigger than
the $2,000, in your business customers are entrusting
you with their money, you don't have policies in place
to protect players to the highest level. I think upon
this story being made public knowledge that customers
confidence will be lost and many customers will not
use your services any longer as they are not safe and
secure. I don't want to post this information on
websites and forums throughout the world, I don't want
to damage your companies reputation, but if your
companies doesn't take actions to make me whole I feel
that is my only choice. I want to made whole (recieve
my $2,000) and see your company implement the auto
notice for pasword changes/withdrawl/transfers, this
will help tremendously with consumer confidence and
protect and ensure other people aren't victimize like
I was.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 5, 2000


We are hereby writing you to inform you that our
> Security Department has comlpeted the investigation
> of the following transactions: 3132735, 3307381,
> 3307884, 3307951 and 3313952.
> We would like to inform you that our Security
> Department has no proof that your account has been
> hacked (as your moneybookers account and e-mail
> address passwords have not been changed) and that
> the transactions in question have not been
> authorised (after successful login, and successfull
> security check completed upon 'send money' request).
> Therefore, we are not able to cancel the
> transactions as they are properly instructed.
> Should you have any further questions or concerns,
> please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be
> glad to be of assistance.


I have many concerns which you have failed to
address. When the $2000 was transferred from
Gamebookers to Moneybookers I didn't recieve an email
notice of this activity, however when I did a
transaction last week, I did recieve auto notice of
activity. Here is a copy

From: " (via Moneybookers)"
<> Add to Address Book
Subject: Money Received: Your gamebookers withdrawal
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:30:07 +0100

You've got cash

Greetings from! We would like to
inform you that you have received a payment from

Payment details

Amount: USD 237.46
ID: 3366438
Subject: Your gamebookers withdrawal request
Note: Dear gamebookers customer, your
withdrawal request is executed and sent to this email
address. Please visit to collect
your money and withdraw it to your bank account or via

The issue as to why I didn't recieve email
notification when the $2000 was transferred into
moneybookers and why I didn't recieve notification
when the 4 outgoing transactions were executed needs
to be addressed.
I would like IP address/log in information on the 4
outgoing transfers from my moneybookers account.
I would like to know what kind of investigation you
have done on the individuals & as you should have detailed info and
contact info for a registered user who is able to
recieve a tranfer of $.
I would also like a name and phone # of the head of
security in your company and I would like to setup an
appointment when we can talk on the phone and discuss
the issues I have outlined above.

--- "" <>


This above email was sent to Moneybookers about 72 hours
ago. To date it I haven't recieved a response, I
believe 24 hours is more than enough time for a
response. The responses your companies have given me
over the past 2 weeks on this issue is very
disheartning, most of the replies have lacked
substance and direct answers as to why certain things
occurred such as why no auto email notifications where
recieved when transfer was done from GB to MB and when
transfers were done from MB to and, but yet I did recieve auto email
notifications on the transfer of $237.46. You also
have provided no information(which you should have) on
the 2 email addresses which are the recipient of the
illicit transfers. Unless I hear back from your
companies within 24 hours I will be forced to assume
you are done dealing with this issue, and I will have
to act accordingly, I have been very patient and given
your companies plenty of time to investigate and get
back to me with substantive information, which hasn't
occurred and really has led to nowhere.

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Posts: 309
Joined: Aug 2000
11/18/2004 11:19 PM (NEW!)

The email service is, and below is a transcript of the fraudulent transactions

3313960 05 Nov 04 14:07 Send Money Fee 0.64 processed 0.43
3313952 05 Nov 04 14:07 Send Money to 1397.00 processed 1.07
3307952 04 Nov 04 21:36 Send Money Fee 0.64 processed 1398.07
3307951 04 Nov 04 21:36 Send Money to 300.00 processed 1398.71
3307885 04 Nov 04 21:28 Send Money Fee 0.64 processed 1698.71
3307884 04 Nov 04 21:28 Send Money to 200.00 processed 1699.35
3307382 04 Nov 04 20:36 Send Money Fee 0.64 processed 1899.35
3307381 04 Nov 04 20:36 Send Money to 100.00 processed 1899.99
3132735 17 Oct 04 20:51 Receive Money from 1999.99 processed 1999.99 ID 24285760
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