Ryder Cup Sunday

Northern Star

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Forum Member
May 9, 2005
Interestingly enough the Americans are dogs in the first 6 matches and favorites in the last 6 matches. Darren Clarke went with his strongest players at the front and his weakest at the end. Seems like Love divided his up a bit more. If it comes to the last match Fitzpatrick looks so young and seemed nervous what little I saw of him versus a grinder like Zach. Might make for an interesting Sunday.

I was on 17th green yesterday and this women is inside the ropes blocking the view. The crowd asked her to get down. She did for the first golfer (she was Sergio girlfriend). Then this guy in the crowd yells "Sergio putt it like its a major!!". She turned around and said "Just for that I am going to stand". Kuchar went next and missed, Sergio made his putt and Phil made his to close out the match. My son is a senior caddie at Hazeltine and he said that par 3 is one of the hardest holes on the course. The green is very fast sloping to the water and if you go in the bunkers on the left it is nearly impossible to stop. Also very hard to read. Very few down hill putts made there yesterday partly because of the read. He caddied in Loves group early this summer and from a straight strategy standpoint I am asking the senior caddies what greens are slower than you think, which are faster, which break more than the players read and less. He didnt ask the caddies. This is a green where a little home course knowledge could have helped. Watch this hole if the matches get there.

We also sat on the signature hole in the afternoon along the lake. A bald eagle kept flying over the hole....almost like an omen from Arnie. Of the 8 Americans 3 went into the creek long. Some how we still didnt get killed on the hole.

This is funny the first group was had Rory. He went long but just missed the creek. Hit a bad shot and went left about 30 feet away. USA had Dustin and Koepka (in tight) and Pieters was fairly close. Rory gets onto the green and some in the crowd starts singing Sweet Caroline. Rory was away and has Pieters go first. He sailed the first by and misses the come back....so three putt from about 20 feet. Rory proceeds to drain his long tough downhill breaking putt. DJ misses and Keopka makes about a 10 foot uphill putt to tie the hole. I think Rory was a little mad. Some fan I guess said something to him on the way to the next tee box and got tossed out.

Glad the weather has been ideal to showcase Halezeltine, Chaska and the state of Minnesota.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Ryder Cup Sunday

Patrick Reed and Rory McElroy are putting on a show and having a blast out there today.
Gonna be a fun afternoon of golf.
Looks like a beautiful fall day in Minnesota today. Enjoy...:toast:

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 31, 2007
was top row 12 hole bleachers sunday

Americans went undefeated at that hole!

no points lost, and 5 won with 7 pushes. Was great

the behavior of the 12 hole green bleacher and standing huge crowd was incredible by the way, these stories of all this drunken rude behavior is way way way overblown. Lots a great cheering between the 5% of European fans in the bleachers back and forth, many beers bought back and forth. was a perfect day.

never seen such a White crowd however, you wont read much about that but it was incredible. I seriously saw one ethnic non white person (fan) all day including lines starting at 5:30 am, fans, food lines, and on the way out. one. out of easily ~25,000 people I personally scanned.

crowd was as they say very Trumpy but much better behaved.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
was top row 12 hole bleachers sunday

Americans went undefeated at that hole!

no points lost, and 5 won with 7 pushes. Was great

the behavior of the 12 hole green bleacher and standing huge crowd was incredible by the way, these stories of all this drunken rude behavior is way way way overblown. Lots a great cheering between the 5% of European fans in the bleachers back and forth, many beers bought back and forth. was a perfect day.

never seen such a White crowd however, you wont read much about that but it was incredible. I seriously saw one ethnic non white person (fan) all day including lines starting at 5:30 am, fans, food lines, and on the way out. one. out of easily ~25,000 people I personally scanned.

crowd was as they say very Trumpy but much better behaved.

White people...... in minnesota.....at a golf event?

I dont believe it

Northern Star

Registered User
Forum Member
May 9, 2005
was top row 12 hole bleachers sunday

Americans went undefeated at that hole!

no points lost, and 5 won with 7 pushes. Was great

the behavior of the 12 hole green bleacher and standing huge crowd was incredible by the way, these stories of all this drunken rude behavior is way way way overblown. Lots a great cheering between the 5% of European fans in the bleachers back and forth, many beers bought back and forth. was a perfect day.

never seen such a White crowd however, you wont read much about that but it was incredible. I seriously saw one ethnic non white person (fan) all day including lines starting at 5:30 am, fans, food lines, and on the way out. one. out of easily ~25,000 people I personally scanned.

crowd was as they say very Trumpy but much better behaved.

Oh so you saw Michael Jordan too?
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