SA scores 32 pts in 2nd HF

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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
I am ready to coach in the NBA.....
#1 Box out on all shots...if not... UR azz is sitting next to me.
#2 STOP double teaming....if UR azz cannot stay w/the defender or atleast put a hand in their face Ur azz is sitting next to me
#3 If you cannot shoot freethrows...Ur azz is sitting next to me
#4 If you man has not hit 2 threes in a row...lay off him and make him do so...but still put a hand in his face
#5 Go get a rebound, be STRONG....throw an elbow if need be...if the defender grabs or steals the rebound away from you....ur azz is sitting next to me.
#6 If 1 person comitts more than 6 turnover's a must dribble a basketball all the way home....and if UR PHX playing in Cleveland....we will see you in 3 weeks.
#7NEVER>>>I MEAN NEVER pick up a FOUL guarding a player 40 feet from the basket..If you do....UR azz is sitting next to me....
And Finally #8 When you do any of the above and I call timeout and KICK the ball to row W sec 817...UR azz better come running off the bench saying....that just fired me up coach....can I go back in the game