SAD very sad young teen sucide Bullying


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
I do not understand this we had bullies in HS and grade school and i stood up to them every time sure i got hurt but they felt pain next day too.

Bullied 13-year-old left heartbreaking letter before killing himself


Danny Fitzpatrick Photo: Facebook

A 13-year-old Staten Island boy took his own life on Thursday after students at the private school he was attending bullied him mercilessly, his family said on Friday.

Danny Fitzpatrick wrote a letter before his death that described the ordeal of dealing with bullies at Holy Angels Catholic School.
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In his note, Fitzpatrick writes that the school ignored his complaints.

?He bullied me,? Danny wrote about one of his former friends. ?They did it constantly until I went into a fight.?

Danny describes in the letter, which his family posted on Facebook, how after the scuffle, he fractured his pinkie, but the teachers refused to help.

?They didn?t do ANYTHING!? the boy pleaded in his letter.

?I wanted to get out ? I failed but I didn?t care I was out that?s all that matters.?

The teen said his experience at the school had started out well, but became a nightmare once he began being taunted.

?At first it was good lots of friends, good grades, great life,? he wrote. ?I moved and went back but it was different. My old friends changed they didn?t talk to me they didn?t even like me.?

After the fight that Danny said resulted in a fractured pinkie, he tried to tell the teachers.
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Daniel Fitzpatrick?s parents, at their home on Staten Island.Photo: G.N. Miller

The only person at the school to come to his aid, Danny wrote, was one teacher, but she couldn?t do enough.

?She was the nicest teacher,? Danny wrote. ?She understood and did something but it didn?t last.?

A friend of the Fitzpatrick family said that Danny was indeed victimized by bullies, and said the teachers did not do enough to help him.

?Look at Danny?s smile,? the friend, Scott McGrath, wrote on Facebook. ?Take a close look at his smile and think of how he was hurting, crying out for help and hiding his pain from all the bullying and fights.?

The Fitzgerald family was planning a funeral service for Monday at Harmon Funeral Home in West Brighton, and a GoFundMe page was set up to give him a ?proper memorial to shine a bright light? on bullying.
Filed under private schools , staten island , suicide
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