San Antonio Spurs

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Never Caught Up

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 17, 2001
I renewed my season tickets to the Spurs so I will be at 90% of their home games again this year. First home pre-season game is Saturday night.

It will be interesting to see the team senergy with the new starting lineup. Twin towers, Robinson and Duncan, should still provide a dominating inside attack. It is the perimeter I am worried about at this time, particulary from beyond the arch. Danny Ferry was awesome outside last year, but it really takes two hot guns on the outside to losen up the middle for Robinson and Duncan.

We lost some key players during the off season and let's be honest . . . Robinson is a legend . . . but he is getting older every year. How much top quality basketball does he have left? He took a huge pay cut this year.

Home regular season opener is OCT 30. I have December 4, 2001 circled on my calendar . . . Michael Jordan comes to San Antonio on December 4th.

I will keep everyone posted.

[This message has been edited by Never Caught Up (edited 10-12-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
How about Steve Smith on the perimeter? Certainly a plus from beyond the arc and improvement over Anderson, strictly as a long distance shooter..but also in other facets.

Never Caught Up

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 17, 2001
That is what the hype is. I want to see it first hand. He may have what it takes, but seeing is believing at this level. He looks so young on TV.
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Registered User
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Aug 10, 1999
Which Steve Smith are we talking about? I'm talking about the one who is a 10 year veteran, proven 18-20 ppg scorer, and should fit in rather well with a vetern, professional team like the Spurs.

Never Caught Up

Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 17, 2001
You said Steve Smith, but I had Tony Parker on my mind.

Believe it or not, all the local media is giving him more air time than Smith or any of the other players. I don't quite understand that. I had just watched an interview with him when I responded to your post so I guess he was on my mind.

I think you are right about Smith fitting in, but I haven't seen any of them play, yet. The New York game wasn't televised since it is pre-season. Saturday night will be the first chance to see them work together. I hope you are right about Smith. He was pretty hot from 3-point land for the Blazers if I recall.

I'm going to miss Steve Kerr. Even though he didn't see a lot of time he had a good influence on the team and was probably the Spurs best good will player. He always signed autographs and spent time with the fans (something the other players seldom do).

David Robinson goes to the same church my wife and I go to, but he is very quiet and keeps a very low profile. My wife shook hands with him once. I have never even had a chance to say hello, He usually leaves each service early to avoid the crowd. I guess being a big star gets old after awhile. I wouldn't know.

If I remember right, Smith was a pretty good free throw shooter. That can't hurt. We have had some problems in that department as well . . . particularly with Tim. He improved later in the season last year, but he was awful early on.

I know I am ready to get back to going to the games. You get kind of addicted to it and during the off season my wife and I have gotten really bored with nothing to do. Spurs are the only big league sport we have here in San Antonio. We catch a few minor leage baseball and hockey games, but we have never developed an interest in them like we have the Spurs.

Another player I will miss is Avery Johnson. Every game used to begin with AJ coming on the robitron saying "Are you all ready for this?" then the high intensity music would begin. And every time we needed to get something done in a clutch they would flash his face on the screen and he would say "Let's Do It!" and the crowd would go wild.

I am sure this year will be just as exciting, but last year was kind of special . . . even if it did fall short.

Also, Terry Porter will still be here along with Malik Rose (if he can stay healthy). And who would have thought that Cherokee Parks would end up on the Spurs?

Maybe I need to give the new guys more respect and forget about the guys we lost, but in my heart they will always be missed.

[This message has been edited by Never Caught Up (edited 10-12-2001).]