San Diego Bandwagon

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Nov 12, 2000
charlotte, nc, usa
To all of you San Diego bandwagon jumpers, I hope you don't get too hurt falling off that wagon. I for one am not very impressed with this team. San Diego (3-1)who have they played???. Their 3 wins come against teams with a combined record of 5-11. Maybe I'll come around and become a believer once they beat a quality opponent. This team has the weakest schedule in the league, granted, here's a team that only won 1 game last year.
The only place to go is up from there. I'll wait around a few more weeks before I start laying wood with them on the road. remember they were a fav last week in Cleveland.



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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Patroit -

What qualifications should a team possess before you become impressed with them? As for who have they played, in this day and age of league-wide parity, that logic is becoming less relevant. The fact that they are 3-1 is not a fallacy, this is a very solid club.

-Their defense is ranked #4 in the NFL
-Tomlinson is a tenacious workhorse and the best RB San Diego has had since Chuck Muncie.
-Their special teams is one of the best in the league.
-They are #2 in the NFL in turnover ratio at -9.

Most of all, they have a quarterback who has won every place he's been and does NOT make mitakes, and with Ryan Leaf no longer a distraction, this is a confident club. Prior to the Cleveland game, the Chargers won all 3 of their games, but didn't just win, they dominated. Good teams are SUPPOSED to beat bad teams and, thus far, San Diego has risin to the challenge. The 5 keys I look for in a team are: a solid running game, a good defense, a QB who doesn't beat himself, good coaching, and good special teams. The Chargers have all 5.

[This message has been edited by Junior44 (edited 10-12-2001).]


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Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
agree wholeheartedly. this is the kind of team/game/spread you have to jump on. the type of team that shows a clear superiority and is set for a re-bound from a heart-breaking loss last week, meeting a so-so team still experimenting with a back-up qb. at this time, n.e. appears to fall in the same category as the teams that s.d. has beaten soundly.

in the selection process for picking the sides for this week, this one ranks among the top choices in my view, and this type of situation should yield a nice return over the long run.

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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
san diego hasnt played anyone, true.

but im not asking them to beat the baltimor ravens!!! chargers are going up against a horrid team this week.

and dont say, well they beat the colts,
no they didnt, the colts beat the colts.
good luck to everyone


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Feb 23, 2001
Just one point,S.D. is now playing 2nd of two back to back EastCoast games.Sure shortens the week up spending travel time.
Yes,S.D. is much better and I thought last weeks game was a test for them to face an improved Browns team.
Flutie is great to watch(as we did for years in Toronto) but I just don't know how good this team is.I'm not on this game so I'm not trying to put anyone down,please don't get me wrong,it's just that I don't know about Diego,they are a real question mark to me.
Good luck if your on them..Spanky..


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Nov 12, 2000
charlotte, nc, usa
Hey junior....

Not saying that SD is a terrible team..I'm just saying, win a quality game against a quality opponent then we'll talk. SD is the third best team in the west after Denver and Oakland. do you honestly see them beating either of these teams. If you do..I'll be happy to take your action. The main thing I'm saying here is..this team won 1 game last year !!!! I know this isn't last year, but your expecting an awful lot from this team...being from San Diego and probably being a little biased.

Good Luck

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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
they dont have to beat denver or oakland they have to beat the patriots. if they were playing denver or oakland i wouldnt bet on them. thats my point im not a chargers fan, i dont care if they have a great season or not. im saying that the patriots are bad, and this game shouldnt be a problem for flutie and Tomlinson. the bottom line is i see a value on this play, but you never know, crazy stuff happens. i also had Eagles moneyline last week. we will just have to see what happens.

good luck


Registered User
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Jan 13, 2000
San Diego
be carefull not to fall from your backpeddaling patriot.
you HAVE TO be impressed by what the chargers have done this season, they have improved 200%, as you said, there is no way to go but up from were they were last year, but keep in mind the Rams from two years ago went from last to the super bowl. By no means am I comparing the Chargers to the Rams two years ago but they have been very good this year and as JR said have dominated every game they've won. One other thing to remember is they have no control of the schedule. So after this week, I'll save you a spot on the bandwagon right here next to me


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Nov 12, 2000
charlotte, nc, usa
Ok Eric....I'm not getting on your San Diego bus just yet. As for your comment on dominating these other, you and 9 other cappers from this forum could beat the Cowboys and the skins playing a double-header !! Not saying the Bolts are bad...But 200% of nothing is what? Hard to be be impressed with tripling your total wins for the previous year. I'll say it one more time win a QUALITY GAME against a QUALITY TEAM and I might get on the bus while I'm hitchhiking..

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Registered User
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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Patriot -

I understand your concern about a bias on my part, but I assure you that's not the case here. Am I a Charger fan? Yes. But, I've also been handicapping for the better part of 17 years and learned a long time ago to seperate my heart from my pocketbook. However, being a fan has also given me the luxury of watching every play of every game they've played this year. Covering this team has given me the luxury of being privy to their frame of mind. In the past I've probably bet AGAINST them more than on them. This is not one of those times. This is a club that is solid on both sides of the ball, is well coached, and is playing at a confidence level they haven't had since '94. As far as what constitutes a "quality team", this is a subject that can be debated till the end of time. It's all relative really. The only game that means anything right now is this week's game against the Pats. The Chargers are the superior team in all phases of the game and, laying a FG against a team with a QB starting his 3rd career game, this is a play for me.


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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
this is a little late but im here to give Patriot my props....

theres way to many people who are quick to post when there plays hit. but not many say much when they loose.

great call !!! i hope you made a killing!!
im also looking forward to more of your posts.

good luck


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Feb 23, 2001
Gibber,looks like SOME have been making some nice $$$ going against this possibly 7 and 9 team.We shall seeif the horn blowers stick aroun for the entire season,I know where I made my $$ the last couple of games as I did post,how did you go?? I hope you grabbed a little pocket cash too.
Good luck with this over -hyped emotional S.D. team.
Hey, if i'm wrong ,I will admit it ,no problem,that's why I ALWAYS post my plays..
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX

last week i got spanked!!!!!!

this has been a tuff NFL for me this year. everyone is beating everyone else, and one week a team will play great the next week they look like shit. but im going to turn it around this week. but im not going to bet with the chargers for awhile, you never know what team is going to show..

good luck friend