thanx for the kind words whale....i do put alot of work into my capping, especially for coll. hoops. my top plays, u can be sure always have solid numbers backing them up. as far as posting lines with my plays....i guess i could, but to be fair i dont. you have been at madjacks for 3-yrs....some guys post their records and some dont. i feel if im going to post my record, then it should be an accurate record. i use the closing line from scores and odds to grade my plays. you have been here awhile and im sure that youve noticed some guys who post plays....always post a line that benefits their play.....usually only a half point, but ive seen guys who consistently do this and sometimes for as much as 2 pt.
or more favorable line, then usually they put [local line]. well thats great if you got a nice line from your local book, but no-one here can play the same line. for example....i hit the wvu play yesterday, because i played it early and got 2.5.and a 3 later for a push...but game closed at 3.5....for rec. keeping purposes ill take the loss...this is just my way of being honest about my sure i would have a much better record if i posted best line out there for all my plays, but then who would i be fooling....everyone here and thats not what this place is about. everone here has an idea what the line is for every game on the board or they wouldnt be here. obviously i bet the best line i can get, but im not gonna count it if 90% of guys here couldnt play it at that line....hope that explains it...thanks again, burgh.