Now please tell me that was not bs you have 4 points that ag won with 2 knock downs and 1 foul and 2 judges has ruiz winning the fight buy 3 points that is a 7 point swing no way, when stone said he would sue the ref and judges that made them all scaired not the ref but judges were in dons pocket once again no way you have a 7 point swing in a fight like that with out ruiz having a knock down or a few 10-8 round and there were none of those for ruiz, i had a small long shot on ruiz with the ko tko dq because thought maybe ag would grab a dq, but no way can you pick up a 7 point swing after 5 rounds with out putting a guy down, and ag laned more and higher % rate was fresher , ruiz did make some hard hits in the 1th but no way was it possable to have a 7 point swing after the 5th round pure and total bs , this is why i hate hwt dv and don't mess with it much, first it sucks no action or not many times and cards are always fuked up on scores. give me the middle wts and below anytime. real boxing and great punchers , hell no-one is a puncher in the hw div. yeah rahman got his ko or tko but look what he was up against , that was like stealing candy from a baby with the ko,tko dq line at that price should of been at least -340 and up. that was a gift and that is why I unloaded on it.
Nice job box and everyone else would like feed back on the 7 point swing on the 2 judges cards after 5 rounds were past , can't happen with out a knock down or 10-8 rounds so they are saying ag one what only 2 of the first 5 rounds bs.