They opened 15 at -115's and Larios got bought up to -140, so they opened an additional line on 18 at -115's thinking it would get even action on both sides. Obviously McCollough got nailed at that number so they pulled it and left the original.
I was considering playing the 15 points but they the decision for me by opening 18 which is way too many points imo. It could be 117-111 on all cards and I would still push.
15 points is a very tight line, if the scorecards average 8 rounds to 4 you'd be safe. If they average 9 to 3 your screwed.
I don't know what to tell you there, I probably would have layed off. If one judge is in DLH pocket and scores it a landslide for Larios its over. 18 gives me some breathing room.
I think Larios by 12 round decision at -120 is a solid play
gl bl