Calgary +125 (3 units)
Minnesota +120 (3 units)
Over 5 1/2 TB/Bos +130 (3 units)
Caps -115 (3 units)
Winn -135 (5 units)
1 unit....18-22, -7.95
3 unit....7-8, -6.45
5 unit....3-3, -5.50
Game of Year....WINNER, STL -150, 10/29/15, WON 2-1...+10.0 units
Total of Year.....
WON....29...LOSS...33..PUSH.....-9.9...units as of 10/10/15
Minnesota +120 (3 units)
Over 5 1/2 TB/Bos +130 (3 units)
Caps -115 (3 units)
Winn -135 (5 units)
1 unit....18-22, -7.95
3 unit....7-8, -6.45
5 unit....3-3, -5.50
Game of Year....WINNER, STL -150, 10/29/15, WON 2-1...+10.0 units
Total of Year.....
WON....29...LOSS...33..PUSH.....-9.9...units as of 10/10/15