thanks guys, hopefully anaheim can hold on. can't stand hoping your boys win rex.
mr. wolf....eddings sitting at 22-46 last 2+ this one seasons. the guy must get a lot of ladies or something and always have somewhere to go. he's calling a high strike now which is usually never called. its funny how steroid barry can still change a game. even as worthless as he is now, his presence and a passed ball cost the dodgers a chance for a w. penny had good stuff, and wright was pretty dominant as well, but when hitters are hitting behind in the count which they did all night, tough to get on base, and eddings definitely called anything that didn't hit the player or bounce first a strike.
night games:
chc/pitt under 9 -106 x 2
az -109 x 2
kc + 120 x 2 angel hernandez although his numbers aren't as disproportional as i once thought "cheats" for the road dog. cheats is a bad word, but he usually tries his best for them. sometimes that isn't good enough though. my guess is he will give his best effort. mcclung should help him out too.